Chapter 3 | More Short Interactions

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---Shawn Pov---

I sit atop the edge of the stage staring at my phone, watching a video taken from the crowd of the day me and my friends performed last here at the convention. I sigh placing a hand beneath my chin. Behind me Bonnie tunes her guitar for the day, Whilst Chica just goofed around... Like usual. I don't notice Freya crouching down behind me until she rested her head atop my shoulder and made herself known. She was watching the video with me. I wasn't startled by this act, took it casually, I guess. "You know, I always thought you had a rather good singing voice." She informs me, I blush gently from flattery. "Guess that's why they made me the singer of the band..." I admit with a faked chuckle, but as that ended, I just grew a subtle frown. She glances over at my face, and grows a slightly concerned frown, and look in her eyes. Pressing her lips against my cheek leaving a light brown lipstick stain, then hugs my head against the side of hers gently. "You've still got us kid... Don't forget that" She whispers me so not to let Bonnie or Chica hear my dilemma and to ease my pain in losing my only other friends... I glance over at her and give a weak smile that screamed I was grateful. "Thanks Teddy Bear" I mutter under my breath. "Anytime Pin head~" She teases me softly toned, before ruffling my hair and stands up.

Walking into the building came the daytime Guard, I noticed the entire mood of the room switched to tense upon his entry. Chica stopped goofing off, and Bonnie stopped tuning her guitar, and Freya stood staring him down with a death glare. I didn't even have to see them all doing this to feel this tension. He looks out at them and grows a devious grin that screams he wasn't up to anything good. I glance over my shoulders and finally notice all three of the main Freya crew giving him the same look as Freya. "Well, Well... A Night Guard that actually made it through the first night with skin left on his back! Color me impressed!" The day guard states in a clearly sarcastic, and unamused fashion, almost like he was annoyed by the fact. I slowly stand up pocketing my phone. "I get the feeling me and him are going to but heads in the future." I mutter beneath my breath as he turns down the hallway towards the security office. Freya and Bonnie step beside me on either side and rest an arm atop my shoulders. "Well, considering he's a total dorky self-absorbed Pervert... I'd say you probably won't get along with him in the slightest." Bonnie comments, glancing over at me. I continue to stare out at the hallway and grow a look in my eyes of protective nature like I did with my friends back in the day before we'd get into brawls at school. "I see... Tell me... Has he ever tried anything?" I ask, glancing over towards her hopeful he's kept his hands to himself. "So far he's kept his grubs off the crew... All though can't say the same for some of the visitors, and customers." Bonnie states with a clear voice of aggravation. I let out a sigh of partial relief.

"Well, if he ever does call for me..." I offer my hand in helping deal with that situation should it ever rise. She and Freya snicker at my offer. "No offense kid, but I can assure you, if he even thinks about grabbing or groping us, we won't hesitate to rip his spine out of his back in front a crowd... So I doubt you'll get a swing at him before we're done cleaning up the building haha!' Freya assures me, I give her a prideful smile. I turn my head facing her and give a look in my eyes that screamed I liked her statement more than I should have. "For a teddy bear, you're very aggressive." I admit tease fully, she looks over at me and ruffles my hair. "That's because you're the only one dumb enough to see me as a Teddy bear! Hehe" She makes a rather good point. Mairusu walks into the builting having been an hour late to relieve me of my duties to go home carrying his phone up to his ear. "What do mean their #Canceling and boycotting my convention?!" He shouts at the person on the other line. Bonnie walks behind me and crosses her arms atop my head and rests her head atop them. (Animatronics here are 7'1 Shawn's about 5'8) Whilst Chica places an arm atop my shoulders and rested a hand gently against the side of her face.

"Every day feels like we grow closer to losing the convention..." Bonnie comments with a voice of bummer. "I wonder what's annoyed the public this time" Chica comments in the same tone. "Has stuff like this been going on long?" I ask them, everyone nods. "Yeah, about a month after your band played here critics started coming in, and berating us with horrible reviews, guess the conventions got nothing to compare with the Fredina's Night Club down in the city... Lately I've been hearing people calling us a rip off of the nightclub establishment, yet they are the one's who copied us..." Bonnie explains, and Freya steps in continuing off that topic, whilst resting her head atop my shoulder. "And it's not even like they copied us that well! All they do is swing their tits around, and swing around on poles all day! They don't even sing that good!" Chica bounces off Freyas point as well. "And their Pizza sucks too!" Chica speaks as though her's doesn't suck butt too! "No offense, but Chica you really can't berate another establishment's pizza game. Yours doesn't exactly scream quality." I tease her, but yet not actually teasing her. "W-What!? D-Does it really not taste good!?" She asks, as if it's news that she'd never heard before with her hands in front her face, and in a surprised posture, along with the expression. Bonnie slightly turns her head from atop mine and her arms.

"Yeah, you're Pizza is pretty horrid Champ" Bonnie bluntly admits. "W-What! F-Freya is it-" Freya interrupts Chica not looking towards her from atop my shoulder with her head. "I'd rather rip my tongue out then eat your Pizza at times" Freya is brutally honest. Chica frowns and looks heartbroken about her skills. I snicker and chuckle for a bit at them giving her a hard time. "I'll teach you how to fix pizza's properly Chica sometime if you want. I used to fix it from scratch for my grandparents after they taught me how! So I'd say I can make a mean Pizza!" I offer her to be taught in the ways of MASTER PIZZA MAKING!!! The most DANGEROUS of skills to master and learn no doubt! She lights up and gets sparkles in her eyes and a anime look of excitement as she lean forwards in my face. "REALLY!? You'd do that!?" She cheered. "Sure! Hell, it might help bring new business into the convention having good pizza on the menu!" I cheer with confidence in my ability to train her in the ways of pizza creation! Getting off the phone Mairusu approaches the stage! "Shawn! I'm so glad you haven't left yet! I've got something important that I need to ask of you to do for me." He states approaching with a look of desperation... "Alright... Umm... What's it you need?"

---End Of Chapter 3---

Next Chapter will be the last short chapter before I return to average size 15 minute to 30 minute long chapters

Next Chapter will be the last short chapter before I return to average size 15 minute to 30 minute long chapters

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