"No, it's not that kind of, uh. Situation. It doesn't really hurt, physically." It was getting hard to avoid the subject at hand.

"You're beating around the bush, this isn't solving your problem." Reus was too wise for these shenanigans.

Bellingham sighed and threw his head in his hands. "It's Haaland."

Hummels laughed. "Dang, I thought you had a brain tumor." Reus glared at him.

"What happened? Did you get in a fight?" Reus expressed concern.

"No, it's not that." Bellingham didn't know how embarrassing this would be.

Reus was out of ideas.

"What is it, then? If it's not a fight, it can't be that bad, right?" Hummels tried to press him further.

Bellingham sank even lower. "It's like.. I can't stand looking at him. You know?"

Hummels burst out in laughter.

"What happened? Was it an argument?" Hummels relaxed in his chair.

"No. I just feel so uncomfortable around him." Reus laughed.

"What is with this sudden hatred? You adored this guy last week." Hummels teased him.

He was right. However, that admiration hasn't faded.

"No, I don't hate him. I.." Bellingham didn't know how to word it.

Neither of them said anything. They were waiting for a mind blowing revelation.

"You weren't there, Hummels, but take last week's fishing trip for example. He insisted on teaching me how to fish for some reason. Instead of telling me what to do, he grabbed my hands and guided me." Bellingham managed to muster out.

Both Reus and Hummels gave Bellingham a very confused look.

"..Okay?" Hummels chuckled awkwardly.

"We went out to grab lunch together once, he treated me, he gave me a sus compliment on the way back home." Bellingham tried to remove himself from the situation.

At this point, Hummels and Reus began questioning their team mate's behavior.

"Do you want me to report him?" Reus expressed sympathy for his friend.

"No, don't do that! He hasn't been harassing me, I don't mind it.." Bellingham cleared Haaland's name, digging a hole for himself in the process.

"What do you mean 'I don't mind it'?" Hummels was suspicious.

"Don't think bad, he's been nothing but kind, but I want to throw up whenever I am around him." Bellingham explained his situation.

Hummels couldn't hold it any longer. Neither could Reus. Bellingham didn't understand why they were laughing.

It took a while for them to catch their breath, but when they did, they started laughing again.

Bellingham felt pretty stupid at this point, even Reyna wouldn't laugh this much. Maybe he should have called Dahoud, or maybe even Schulz.

"Oh Bellingham, I don't know how to exactly put it.." Reus tried to get Bellingham to figure it out on his own.

"What?" Bellingham was dumbfounded.

"Well, have you considered, maybe.." Reus turned to Hummels for help.

"Bellingham, I didn't know you liked them blonde!"

Hummels started cackling again. Bellingham took a second to process what he just told him. His eyes went wide.

"No, you sick cunt?!" Bellingham quickly became defensive.

"Bellingham, calm down, we are just suggesting that.." Reus tried to stay civil.

"Why would you even say that?" Bellingham tried to clear his name, the jury wasn't impressed.

Hummels put his hand on Bellingham's shoulder.

"Hey, I'm happy for you, no need to be ashamed."

Bellingham slapped his hand away. "No?!? I don't see him that way!"

Reus cackled. "Bellingham, you need to think about this on your own."

Bellingham stormed out. He was fuming.

Why would they even suggest something like that? Sure, he liked the compliment he received, Haaland was great company, he enjoyed the fishing and the good memories, but he would never see Haaland in that light.

What a bunch of sick perverts.

Bellingham and HaalandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora