Mei Mei x Reader

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(Adapted from alternate request)

The sound of my polished shoes clicked against the almost as shiny floors of the building. My hand slid into my pocket to retrieve a small golden pocket watch, my eyes glancing at the time as a small smile slid onto my face. I was right on time, not a minute less or a minute more, therefore not a dime wasted.

The doors to the viewing room were clear ahead where my money was to be made. The Kyoto sister school goodwill event was being held where they needed a panel of viewers to ensure everything ran smoothly and to intervene if things didn't. For the right price, I was selected to join the adorable event. After the long trip I had just returned from, it was also the perfect time to allow myself to wind down as well.

The bruises I had received from my last curse opponent still throbbed with each step but I had managed to clean up nicely for the event. My appearance was almost as important as my wallet.

My hand came up to slide through my hair before I threw open the doors of the room. My eyes took a moment to adjust to the lighting change but once it did I found all stares trained on me. Utahime gave me a small wave from across the room and Gojo's eyes practically began to shimmer, the other people in the crowd either turning away again or keeping their comments to themselves.

As a person with a decent amount of money, I had no shame in flaunting it in small ways such as the gold pins in my expensive suit or the shimmery rings on my fingers. Some may call me tacky or selfish but money made the world go round and I wasn't going to waste my time with anything else or hide the fact that I was winning.

"You always show up last second. Punctuality means nothing to you, does it?" one of the shrively men sneered in disapproval. I only gave him my own disappointed frown while holding up my pocket watch to display that I, indeed, knew what time it was.

"I showed up on time. I would never show up early to use my own minutes if I wasn't being paid for it. What a waste that would be," I stated with a raised eyebrow. They should've known such a thing already. Money was all that mattered to me, it was no secret. Being a sorcerer to me was for the pay, not the honor. I've practically put a price on my life and it meant money so there was no complaining on my part.

Giving a quick sweep of the room with my stare, I found a seat along the side near the wall. Out of the way and far away from the old geezers, perfect. I walked down the aisle finding another perk to the spot. There happened to be a gorgeous woman sitting nearby, her speculative stare trained on me already and sending shivers down my spine.

A small smile slipped onto my lips as I lowered myself in the seat beside her. She only gave me a final glance before she turned to look at the screen upon the wall where various camera footage played. I tried to do the same but the sleek beauty of her form pulled at my attention.

Her hair was a blinding white hue, braided down the front of her face and hiding her most likely heavenly facial features. The corners of her lips that I could see were wine red and a little too tempting along with her deep brown eyes. Her dark purple dress fit her perfectly and gave her the look of royalty or a goddess, her whole appearance screaming wealthy and elegance.

"If you look at me any longer, I might have to start charging you," the woman's smooth voice washed over me, pulling me out of this unusual trance. Her ruby lips were pulled into a knowing smirk as I rested an elbow on the arm chair to hold my chin, giving her a flirtatious wink.

"I'd pay that price, and that's truly saying something," I cooed back to her. She gave a small laugh that caused a smile to spread on my face. It was interesting that I hadn't seen her around before but I was certain we hadn't met, I would remember someone like her after all. "I'm y/n."

She peered at me with a calculating expression, as if she was adding up my worth to see if I would be a waste of her time. It was already clear that she had a similar mindset to my own and that made getting to know more about her a more valuable goal.

"I'm Mei Mei but you can call me anything you want for the right price," she mused with a hand to her chin. Before I could ask what that price would be, there was a flash from the screen that gripped both of our focus. It only seemed to be a flamboyant move one of the kids had made because no one else raised an alarm.

"I've heard about you," Mei Mei said with a grin. I raised my eyebrow in suspicion, causing her to let out a small chuckle. "Nothing bad, only that you were on some fancy, expensive trip to catch a curse. How much did you make?"

Instantly relaxing by the sound of her voice, I leaned in to whisper the braggable amount in her ear. I couldn't help but notice the way her body shivered when I pulled away. Whether it was from the amount or our closeness, I didn't particularly care, the gesture was reward enough.

"I'm a skilled sorcerer and expect to be paid like one. You seem like you have the same mindset as well my dear," I observed, hyper aware of the way her body was slowly turning to lean towards me. She gave a small flip of her braid, revealing for a split second her beautiful face.

"I'm also intent on being paid my worth. Nothing less but always more," she slyly stated. I couldn't agree more, my interest in her growing with each moment. At this point it didn't matter what happened with the event, it was already worthwhile. I was getting paid and enjoying each minute that passed with someone who not only understood my need for wealth, but shared that need as well.

We took a few moments of silence to watch the event with slight boredom. Taking the quiet opportunity, my head came up with many new possibilities that shockingly did not include the gaining of money. I was sure of my interest in Mei Mei though.

"This may seem forward of me but would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight," I offered in a whisper, leaning in close by her side. She didn't turn her head as her eyes stayed glued on the screen though there was a slight gleam in her stare that made her look interested in my offer. A smirk slid onto her lips as she opened her crimson lined mouth to respond.

"Only if you're paying, gorgeous," she whispered in that tender voice of hers. Her eyes glanced at me in what looked like victory, another shiver rolling down my back but not from the way this woman could deplete my bank account. "Don't be a waste of my time."

A chuckle rolled past my lips as I fixed a confidant stare to her. Our eyes didn't falter from each other, a silent give and take of power erupting between us. I already knew it would be me that lost but I was too stubborn to back down. "Believe me darling when I say that I am never a waste of time."

Jujutsu Kaisen x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now