Utahime x Reader

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(Adapted from alternate request)

Following Gojo around was a pain in my ass. It was a waste of my time and frankly seemed like an excuse to poke fun at me with every chance he got. Most people could barely even handle the guy but they had no clue what being his little sibling was like. Plot twist: it was hell.

"Aww what's that face for? I thought you'd enjoy more time with your wonderful big brother," the white haired menace smirked. I couldn't see his eyes due to the blindfold but I just knew that they were taunting me.

"Can we just hurry up already? I don't even need to be here," I frowned at him, choosing to ignore his taunts. Even though I was younger, people knew me to be far more mature and serious then my childish older brother.

"Actually you do have to be here. You were specially requested by my students to show up and cheer them on before the exchange starts," he pointed out. It was a total lie though. I didn't even really know his students, I only tagged along to get Gojo to stop bugging me but that clearly backfired.

"Are we almost there? I've got places to be that don't involve your constant pestering," I mumbled. He sent me another smirk, his hand reaching to flick my forehead. I only sighed at his actions. There was nothing he could do that didn't surprise me at this point.

"We're almost there, grumpy. You're so mean to me," he fake cried. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, my focus catching on a figure making their way over to us.

"Someone being mean to Gojo? Sounds like someone with the right idea," a voice chimed in. I watched the woman stride over to us, flashing an irritated look to Gojo before her stare landed on me with curiosity.

"He doesn't make it very hard," I pointed out quietly, a brief wave of shyness washing over me in the presence of this new person. The woman laughed, my mood lifting the smallest bit at the cheerful sound.

My eyes took in her appearance, her scar immediately catching most of my attention. Her dark hair was pulled back in a loose tail tied with a white bow. She was dressed in a white robe with a ruby red skirt, a picture of elegance and an aura of danger.

"Oh great, it's you. I'll just go bore myself to sleep instead. Y/n this is Utahime Iori," Gojo huffed, a teasing smile pulling at his mouth as he winked in my direction. My hand came up to push Gojo's face away, his stance wavering as he stumbled.

"You're supposed to have manners in the presence of a lady," I frowned at my elder brother. My attention swiveled back to the woman, my body dipping into an apologetic bow. "Excuse my older brother for his rude behavior. I do believe he might've been dropped at birth." The woman laughed again, her hand coming up to her mouth in delight. It became clear to me that she was familiar with Gojo despite his awful comment.

"Oh you don't have to apologize for his rudeness. In fact, I should be thanking you for putting your brother in his place," she smiled at me. Her hand reached out towards me. "I'm Utahime Iori, the student supervisor of Kyoto." My hand reached for hers hesitantly, a formal handshake exchanged between us.

"I'm Y/N Satoru. It's a pleasure to meet someone who also can't stand my brother," I smiled shyly. Our hands fell back to our sides, her eyebrow raising in satisfaction.

"I don't like this," Gojo interjected with a worried frown. "Last thing I need is a pact between you two against me." He crossed his arms dramatically, my eyes once again rolling. Gojo was always ridiculous but he ought to have manners around Ms. Iori.

"It's too late, your sibling and I are already plotting," Utahime stated, her arm wrapping around mine making me tense up at the contact. I sent a small smirk to Gojo, his jaw dropping in shock and probably growing concern. Something told me Utahime wasn't someone to take lightly. My brother clenched his fists like a child, turning in a huff, he walked away leaving me with Ms. Iori and a newly freed schedule.

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