Mahito x Reader

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If you had told me months ago that I would find myself aiding a curse in deadly experiments on humans I would have turned the other way and ran. It turns out that a lot can change in such a small amount of time, all it takes is the right push for you to fall over the edge.

I guess I didn't properly fall though, I jumped in deciding it was better than staying on that abusive ledge any longer. I could've been on that same path but that choice held no self appreciation or personal gain. It only held pain and suffering that I had become numb to after so long. It took the perspective of an otherworldly being for me to realize that my fate was unjustified and the result of the cruel reality of human behavior. It sickened me to think of where I would be now without this twisted divine intervention.

"Are you here?" Pale fingers snapped in front of my face, dragging me from my thoughts to focus on the stitched face before me. Mahito raised an eyebrow in curiosity as his mismatched stare scanned my face.

"Yeah, I'm here. Where else would I be?" I replied with a roll of my eyes. Mahito had his way of being dramatic and then treating me like a child that needed to be checked on constantly. It was both annoying and slightly endearing. Sometimes I wasn't sure which side he leaned more on.

"You had that dazed look in your eyes. I wish you didn't zone out so much around me, it makes me feel boring," he sighed dramatically. My hand came up to tug on one of his strands of hair, a tiny indignant yelp emitting from Mahito at the action. A small smile pulled at my lips as I leaned in, giving him my undivided focus.

"You just want attention, it has nothing to do with how you see yourself," I mused aloud, satisfaction blooming in my chest at the sight of the slight blush adorning his face. I'm correct it seems. His eyes glazed over as he tried to lean in further but I pulled away. Mahito frowned at the new distance between us.

"You're such a tease, you know that?" he pouted, crossing his arms childishly. I knew that I was nothing more than a plaything for Mahito so it was fun to turn the tables and make him want me just to keep myself out of reach. My hand came up to grip his chin, pulling his face close to mine but never touching. I felt his body shiver in my hold, amusement tingling along my spine.

"Oh I know," I winked at him with a wide smirk. I leaned in close by his ear, whispering softly. "But you love that don't you." He visibly gulped, his eyes rolling to look at me. His face looked like one of pure sin.

"You get more interesting with everything you do. I love that about you," he purred in my hand. My fingers slid off his face, my back turning to him as I began to walk away. "Wait, where are you going?"

I glanced over my shoulder at the clingy curse. He looked pathetic standing there, desperately wanting someone to lean on. No...not just someone, he wanted me to lean on. The thought was strange and sent curious emotions curling in my chest.

"I'm heading out for a bit. I'm tired of staying in the sewer. I'm not a rat like you," I explained matter of factly. I wasn't about to confess that I needed a moment to clear my head that was now full of Mahito's presence. He sent me an almost disappointed look as I looked away and left him there by himself.


The stars were bright and the perfect medicine for my soul, the random rooftop I sat upon calming. Without Mahito here though, I felt strange. It was a feeling close to loneliness but that didn't make sense considering all the time before I met him that I spent constantly by myself.

I sighed in irritated confusion. None of this made sense even when I put distance between what I thought was the problem and myself. Maybe I was the issue here. Mahito didn't carry these stupid human emotions with him and so didn't have to untangle this web of growing concern.

Teasing and picking on Mahito was fun and all but lately it's taken on a new meaning for myself. My hands came up to tug at my scalp in irritation. What the hell is wrong with me?

Something wrapped around my arm making me flinch. My head jerked to the person getting touchy to find the king of my thoughts. Mahito looked at me with a bright smile, his arm wrapped around mine as he leaned in to rest his head against my shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I questioned. He hummed slightly, pushing his face closer to mine while staring deep into my eyes. It was both unnerving and attractive as hell. I decided to distract myself by letting my stare trace his stitches.

"I missed you," he smiled. It looked innocent enough but I knew he was anything but that. "Plus you kinda worried me back there. You looked angry and I wanted to make sure you weren't mad at me." His smile dropped to a curious frown, waiting for me to tell him I wasn't irritated with him even though I was.

He didn't understand though and he might not even if I told him. He was only a curse and has made it clear over and over again that he only saw me as a toy. I wasn't just mad, I was scathing. I tried to pull my arm away from his grasp but I couldn't bring myself to do it, instead settling on not looking into his gorgeous eyes.

"I am angry with you actually," I muttered. I felt him freeze, muscles tensing against me. A sigh blew past my lips but I didn't take it back or elaborate. If he knew what was best for both of us, he would leave me alone to sulk by myself.

"I'm sorry for whatever I did. Can I make it up to you?" he asked sadly. At least it sounded like sadness. My eyes glanced at him to find his face an expression of shame and guilt. It wasn't something I saw everyday. He never regretted any choice he made and was always the cheery, energetic one out of the two of us.

"There's no way for you to fix what you've done," I grumbled. I knew it wasn't fair to blame him this way but if he didn't save me in the first place I wouldn't be here now, confusion and doubt gripping all of my senses. Mahito frowned even more, his hold on my arm retreating to rest in his lap. Was I too harsh?

"You're doing that thing again," he whispered. I tilted my head at him curiously. He sighed in defeat, his eyes not meeting mine. "You push me away like I'm going to hurt you. Like I'm your old human friends but I'm not."

Before I could think about what he said, his face leaned towards me to leave a soft kiss against my cheek. Heat erupted across my face but I didn't move away. Mahito pulled away, his shy expression coated in crimson. My fingers traced the spot on my cheek where the warmth of his lips had touched.

"Your human emotions are so fragile, I swear," he mumbled in embarrassment, rolling his eyes dramatically. He made an effort to move away but I grabbed his wrist, pulling him to me to leave my own kiss on his forehead. I stared him dead in the eye, his eyes wide and expression portraying one of flustered shock.

"You have no fucking clue."

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