Nobara x Reader

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Sweat rolled down my body as my lungs constricted with each push. It was beginning to hurt but I had enough stamina to go on for hours, this was nothing compared to that one night I stayed up pushing myself to the edge.

My torso nearly touched the ground as I completed another set of push-ups. A small smile of victory graced my lips at the act. I didn't slow or falter, instead picking up my pace to complete more sets even faster. With fifty already done, I was ready to take on a hundred more.

The sun washed over my clothed back as a gentle breeze cooled me down. It was the perfect day to work out and I wasn't going to waste this opportunity. Birds chirped nearby, nobody breaking the tranquil silence that stretched across the training field. Who else would be crazy enough to stay here on a day off anyway?

As if on cue, a shadow loomed over me as I completed another set of ten. I glanced up to see my orange haired girlfriend staring down at me with a smirk.

"God, you look hot right now," Nobara bit her lip. I chuckled but didn't stop my pace. I was in the zone and determined on finishing a hundred fifty of these bad boys. Not even my lover can stop me right now.

"I'm trying to reach over a hundred. I'm not stopping anytime soon but what did you need?" I huffed through my clenched teeth. I was definitely starting to feel the burn as it wound through my arms and abs. Nobara walked out of my view, circling behind me.

"Do I need a reason to see you?" she asked in mock offense. I was starting to feel nervous with her out of my sight. She was known to be unpredictable at times and now wasn't the best time. A heeled shoe landed on my back making me slow the tiniest bit. "I don't think you can complete that many."

There was the tone of challenge in her voice, a tone I couldn't ignore. I resumed my previous speed, the burn in my arms growing with each set. I had another fifty done by the time she started pressing down onto my back.

"How about a bet?" Nobara offered with fake innocence. My eyes squinted as a smirk grew on my face. Sweat dripped from my hair to the grass below, my body burning and hot. "If you complete another set of fifty with me pressing into your back, you get a free massage and dinner but if I win, I get a cuddle session and your credit card for a weekend," she mused, digging in her heel for extra measure.

I pushed back up, my push-ups not faltering for a second. I gave a single nod, letting her know that I accepted the bet. That massage was mine. Plus I didn't want to lose my credit card either. I squared my shoulders, clenching my abs as I went to work proving Nobara wrong.

Each push-up was made with precision and purpose, sweat rolling down my skin to cool me down as my body heated up. Making sure to not lose track, Nobara counted out loud. The pressure of her foot on my back began increasing as I finished another thirty. I only had to complete twenty more but with her weight on me and my exhaustion, it was starting to become harder.

"Aww you're so close, don't give up now baby," she cooed. Her tone sounded supportive but I knew that if I glanced over my shoulder I would only find a triumphant smirk on her face. My confidence wavered as she pushed even harder. My torso hovered hesitantly over the ground and as I thought I could do one more, my arms collapsed.

"Damn it!" I groaned as Nobara cheered, twirling in victory before dropping to her knees to wrap me in her arms. She laughed happily, practically jumping in my sweaty embrace.

"I win! After your shower, because eww you're sweaty as hell, we get to cuddle and then later..." she paused as she winked at me. "...we get to go shopping." I cried mentally at the money I could practically see being burned. I frowned before scooping her up as I stood. She shrieked, her arms wrapping around my neck in surprise.

"I feel like I still deserve a reward for trying," I proposed with a wink. She smiled, leaning in to give me a peck on my cheek. I shook my head before pressing a kiss to her lips. She hummed happily as I pulled away to look at her visible blush.

"You're just a sore loser," she whispered with a sigh. That wasn't exactly true though considering my anticipation for her victory cuddles. A part of me was glad she won...minus the borrowing my credit card part.

"I'm used to losing to you," I sighed, rolling my eyes before giving her another kiss. She laughed, pushing against me even more. She was perfect in every way, someone I'd gladly lose to for the years to come.

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