Sukuna x Reader

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Sleep became an unusual thing. It was once a sanctuary for me, a chance to escape and shut everything out but lately I've found that my consciousness never gets a break. A new 'friend' of mine has found a way into my head quite literally and now I pay the price every night.

I fluffed my pillow as if that would help me gain any more energy. My mind began to prepare itself for its transition into my strange dreamscape and an interaction with my even stranger friend. My head hit my pillow tiredly, my hands reaching to pull a blanket over my body.

Closing my eyes, sleep came rather quickly with my extra surge of exhaustion. It was dark for a bit and nearly peaceful until I felt a familiar tug and the sudden body engulfing pain that became expected. I let out a soft cry at the discomfort before it abruptly stopped. My eyes were squeezed tight and I didn't bother to open them until I heard that familiar voice.

"Hello once again," the voice purred. Shivers traveled down my spine as I looked up at the white robed figure of Sukuna atop a throne of bones. I won't lie and say it wasn't intimidating but I wasn't particularly in the mood tonight. All I wanted was a break. He's been pulling me into this strange place for weeks now and I was quite literally tired of it.

"Hello Sukuna," I greeted in a bored drawl. He frowned at my tone but I didn't care all that much. "Now send me back." Sukuna chuckled at my demand and I will admit that it sounded childish in the face of such a powerful deity. Although he wasn't powerful enough to escape these restraints, the mere idea comforted me.

"You're extra hostile tonight. May I ask why?" he questioned with a smirk as if he had no clue. My fists clenched by my sides as I sneered up at him. Without properly thinking it through I raised a certain finger up in his direction.

"Go fuck your—". My sentence cut off as a hand clasped over my mouth. My eyes widened at the sight of Sukuna, now in front of me with a deadly glare. I wasn't sure if I was able to feel real pain in this dreamscape type place but I was suddenly fearful of finding out. The curse leaned in, his breath fanning across my face as my eyes squeezed shut.

"Don't pick fights you can't finish, little pet," he whispered dangerously low. His grip on my chin tightened slightly making me grunt in discomfort. I couldn't help the glare that I sent him. I didn't appreciate being threatened in my own dreams.

Sharply jerking my head, I attempted to free myself from Sukuna's touch but his grip held firm. If he didn't let me go soon I was going to have bruises along my jaw. "My my, you really are persistent," he stated with a pout. "And to think that after all these nights together you still don't like me."

My fist came up, connecting with the curse's jaw. My eyes widened in surprise at my own actions. Pure adrenaline had guided my movement and something told me I would regret it. Sukuna had released me and was now rubbing his own jaw. When his eyes slid to stare at me, chills danced down my spine. It was the same look a wolf used before tearing apart its prey.

"I just want to sleep properly without having to deal with you every night," I tried to explain but it didn't seem to help my case as Sukuna darted forward. My body slammed against a wall of bones behind me, something sharp piercing my back in the process. Sukuna's hands gripped my shoulders harshly, his deadly energy not matching the smile on his face.

"Face it already. You love dealing with me every night. Your emotions betray your pathetic lies," he growled against me. The sound reverberated in my chest, making me tense up at the feeling.

Despite the rising danger, I allowed myself to entertain the thought of enjoying our little visits with each other but it felt like a lie. I needed sleep, not more time with this insane embodiment of delusion. What was he even trying to get at?

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I grunted, trying to shift so the sharp object pressed against my back didn't hurt as much.

With Sukuna pushing harder against me, I began to wonder why he cared so much that I confessed to enjoying his visits. It was true that some of them went pleasantly and I woke up feeling a faint tingling sensation in my chest but there were too many times where all I felt was inconceivable stress, waking up to darkened circles under my eyes. It didn't even come down to whether I enjoyed being around Sukuna or not, just the intake of pure sleep I received. Maybe that was what he meant by lying to myself or loving the idea of dealing with him every night.

"Everything is wrong with me," he hissed into my ear, his chest now pressing against my own. "I've spent however many nights with you, checking on you and chasing away any lingering curses that have wanted to harm you just for you to push me away like an ungrateful brat." His irritation was flaring and the pressure against my back was becoming increasingly painful. The sharp object behind me had now begun to slice my skin open, pushing against my spine as I trembled at the feeling.

"I didn't know, Sukuna. You haven't explained shit to me and I was becoming so tired I was afraid I'd die in combat with my lack of energy," I panted desperately as the sharp object cut deeper into the muscle. He paused his movements to look at me with a skeptical stare before an expression of worry crossed his face. "All you're doing right now is hurting me."

His eyes widened as he must have come to a realization. His arms wrapped around my lower back as he pulled me off and away from the object that was buried in my back. I glanced at the space where I had been earlier to see a very wicked looking spinal cord, sharp and covered in my blood. The sight was disconcerting and uncomfortable.

"Shit! I didn't think I was pushing that hard," he muttered. He looked over my shoulder to stare at the, most likely, bloody mess on my back. I felt his fingers run up my spine to the aching area before a steady warmth spread over the pain. I clenched my teeth at the feeling, my hands grasping Sukuna's white robe to steady myself. Just as quickly as the warmth started, it disappeared leaving behind a faint tingling sensation.

"I didn't know. I swear if I knew that you were doing all of this to help me, I wouldn't have treated you like that," I whispered, my body still trembling slightly. It had become easy to forget what Sukuna really was and now the lines were only muddled further with the idea of him watching out for me.

"I wasn't angry with you," he mumbled as he pulled me in closer to his body. My arms hesitantly wrapped around his torso but the surprising warmth from his body was refreshing. "I was pissed off with myself for becoming so attached."

Jujutsu Kaisen x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now