Since his neighbor committed suicide last year, the price of the apartment units on the floor Jungkook lived in dropped so much, it could even be rented by people with low-to-middle income rate now. Even Jungkook got a full 30% discounted mortgage since he lives next door to the unit where the incident happened. But that unit still hasn't been sold until today, even with the irrational price (lowered to 75% from normal price) a lot of people weren't interested in renting it.

Jungkook peeked to the rear mirror to check if there were any other cars behind him before talking, "I'm going to Busan today, Ahjussi. I will be back on Tuesday, and on Monday my secretary will send something to my unit. Can you keep it until I'm back?" Jungkook reached for his wallet, handed him some money. Uncle Yongji smiled widely and nodded. "I will bring you your favorite hotteok." Jungkook winked.


It's been 5 months since he came here, making him feel a little bit guilty. Jungkook already called his father last night, and today even before his father sees his car he has already opened the gate.

Jungkook's smile widened when he saw his father grinned jokingly. With that plaid shirt tucked inside his smooth black pants, his father still looked like how he was in his younger days.

Jungkook's father, Mr. Jeon Ilsung, was an early-retired, rich architect. He was so successful and famous back then, both in Switzerland and South Korea. The community knew him so well that he made it to the local newspaper when he got divorced. Mr. Jeon was known to make presentable and iconic buildings across Europe and East Asia, with his humble personality and charismatic nature he could easily be admired by people wherever he went.

Jungkook has been refusing to be acknowledged as his son since high school. He knew he was pretty different from his father in their way of marketing themselves to people, as Mr. Jeon loved attention and presenting his works while Jungkook was more interested in enjoying the work and meeting new people he worked with. Although not as experienced, Jungkook was as brilliant as Mr. Jeon. Jungkook's taste was more into functional and minimalistic designs, not so similar with his father who prefers something to be luxurious and majestic.

Mr. Jeon patted his back, laughing happily. "My son, finally you came after a thousand years not visiting me." He leaned to take some of Jungkook's bag inside. "You brought a lot of baggage today."

"Yeah, I brought some of your favorite ribs and meat from that store. And it's only been 5 months Dad, I'm sorry I didn't come more frequently." Jungkook chuckled, pretending to be annoyed.

Mr. Jeon felt relieved. He lived alone in this big mansion and although he had friends come or invite him to events and sports clubs, he still felt lonely sometimes. There was still a difference between friends and family, no doubt, that's why Jungkook coming home always made him excited.

He smiled widely, "so, do you want pasta or rice for dinner?"

"Rice would be good, I miss your cooking." Jungkook closed the door with his foot.


"So how's work?" Mr. Jeon asked as they munching through the food. He made a lot; too much if you count the side dishes. Jungkook nodded, ate excitedly, trying all of it with every bite.

He chuckled, "sorry, your foods never disappoint Dad, these all are so good. My work? They're fine, as always. How about you?"

"What about me?"

"Well, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, and healthy too."

"You're still visiting Dr. Min regularly right?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I."

Jungkook squinted his eyes, "oh, oh! You're suspicious now Dad. you really went to Dr. Min's last week right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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