101: Jeon Jungkook

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Jungkook remembered the first time he ever dreamed about that guy. It happened when he was 15, the night when his mother went out and promised him to buy a new sketchbook, but to never return home again forever.

He wondered if anything could be different if he didn't make her mad that day, but she stated precisely on her last email she sent that no matter how hard he and his dad tried to make her stay, the decision she made to leave them would never change.

He remembered the first dream he had about that guy. Unusually vivid and clear as if it was a memory. He could feel the coldness of the ground, the drops of icy water falling onto him. The sharp pain on his stomach felt so strong, but somehow the aching on his chest was more hurtful. There was a feeling of longing for someone, the yearning of them that made him cry. He doesn't even have much energy to breathe anymore, but he cried uncontrollably. He misses that person so much. The person he didn't even know.

Jungkook would wake up with a wet pillow. He cried in his sleep that night, crying for a dream that didn't even have any plot. So ridiculous.

Every now and then he would dream about that man again. Sometimes every two weeks, sometimes every three months. It didn't really budge him much until when he turned 19. He remembers the date because it was the time he was supposed to meet with his mom (which she never showed up). When he came home in the middle of the night and fell asleep immediately on his bed, he would dream about him again.

The dreams were always the same for the whole 4 years since he first dreamt about it, but that night it was slightly different. He remembered that there was a glimpse of a woman in his head. He was still on his chest, laying on the ground. Weak and crying as the rain fell on his body. But somehow he could sense that his mind started to show an image of a very pretty person. He couldn't remember her face when he woke up the next morning, but he could tell that the woman was the one the man was yearning about. He then would be having the dream 2-3 times a week, and it always ended with him waking up crying or screaming.

Jungkook felt sympathetic for the man when he dreamt about him at first. He somehow understands how the man feels. But when the dreams came over and over again without any explanation or progression, he started to feel angry and annoyed. He felt that the scene was so dramatic for his life, the scene that only could happen in movies.

His dad started to be so worried about him, and when he told him about the dreams, his dad suggested therapy. Jungkook also thought it was the right time to start a therapy, so he went to one in town. He talked to them about his mom, his trauma, and of course, the dreams. They made him understand about a lot of things that happened in his life, helped him find himself and his passion again, and made him feel a lot better.

When he turned 21, the dreams stopped coming completely. He didn't notice it at first, but when his dad asked him about it he realized that he's getting better.

Jungkook was 27 now, a young architect with a bright vision of life. He moved back to SoKor when he was 23 with his father after considering it for 2 years. They both think it was the best decision because his father wanted to be in his hometown after Jungkook graduated.

Jungkook still thought that this new air really helped his dad to move on from his mom. His father was a successful engineer in Switzerland. He followed his lecturer to Switzerland and met Jungkook's mom, who was also a Korean, and married her a year after. Jungkook was born in a loving family, and he really fits the environment. He loved his life in Switzerland and also loved staying at his grandparents' on Chuseok and new years. They never had to worry about money because his dad made a lot every year.

But however, his mom never seemed satisfied with the happiness they had. She started to go out a little more and came home late. Her body didn't smell like lavender anymore. The yelling and broken plates were the Mondays for Jungkook at the time. His dad has gotten so frustrated he locked himself more in his office at nights. That year they didn't go to SoKor for Chuseok and Jungkook had to call both his grandparents to congratulate them because his mom didn't have time for it and his dad was too lost to do any social interaction.
Jungkook always thought that his mom needed this, she needed time for herself and to have some fun. But when the fighting kept getting more frequent and his dad's crying was more evident than ever, Jungkook started to realize that his mom had gone too far. He wondered if he could do anything, but his mom always knew how to shut him up.

The last straw was when Jungkook saw her kissing a man in front of their house. At that time he realized that maybe his mom never wanted a good person. His dad would never be enough for her. She still wanted her ex after all these years, the man Jungkook saw that day.

So when his mother told him she would buy him a new sketchbook that night, Jungkook should have understood that she wanted to run away. When his mother suddenly went back to her calm and romantic self that week, Jungkook should have understood that she had planned this all along. When she made his dad giggle again that week, Jungkook should have known that she wanted to say goodbye.

But Jungkook didn't know all that when she did it. He just thought that his family would finally be back to normal. He just thought that he could finally heal.
He never thought his mom could be that cruel to them.

When his father realized that she didn't come home in the morning, he spent the entire day trying to call her phone. He tried again the next day and the days after, for the whole month, and Jungkook thought he might never see someone love their partner more than his dad loving his mom.

When his father finally gave up, Jungkook thought his dad would go crazy. But after a month of worrying, his dad changed to his usual self and the best dad he used to be. His dad went to therapy immediately and did his normal routine again, even though Jungkook knew that he still mourned her every night. When Jungkook turned 22 his father said when he knew she would never come back, he immediately scheduled a therapy because he didn't want Jungkook to lose him too.
Jungkook always admired his father more than anything, but when he said that Jungkook felt so proud for being his son.

Jungkook always admired his father more than anything, but when he said that Jungkook felt so proud for being his son

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1214 words

Published 1 December 2022

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