Chapter 35

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Kylie's not an idiot.

She knows flirting when she sees it.

Kyle and Henrietta have been doing it for weeks now.

Kendra finds it very amusing, being the one to notice it first and immediately dragging their wife into it.

The two would sit in the tent and watch Kyle come down to meet Henrietta as she arrives.

She'd come by every day at the same time, they'd talk outside for a bit and then go inside for tea.

Kylie and Kendra wonder why the two aren't going out.

It's so obvious they like each other.

Stacy didn't see it, as she would say often.

"Are you jealous?" Kylie would ask with a shit-eating grin, knowing Erica and Stacy were dating.

Her best friend would roll her eyes and say "Only because you blow me off for this" but then just goes out with her girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Stan tells Kyle to just tell his sister already.

It has been three weeks at this point.

"She's having fun, plus it's nice to keep it a secret and watch her wonder."


New Kid hears a lot.

So, they might have accidentally heard Kyle's little confession about his relationship status.

They know something Kylie doesn't, for once.

And that's fun.

But the best part?

Finding out just about everyone in the land is speculating about Kyle and Henrietta as well.

No one admits they're wondering, but New Kid knows.

They know a lot.


Henrietta thinks this whole thing is so fucking funny, honestly.

She loves it.

Being kept a secret is fun, seriously.

Knowing you're messing with everyone in the land?

Even more fun.

Plus she had so many dates with Kyle, a huge bonus of all this.

She still can't believe she can call him her boyfriend.

One day she just finally sucked it up and confessed.

Kyle responded with his own confession.

They've been together since.

Henrietta is the happiest she has been in a while, she really likes him.

It's the best.


Some way, somehow, Kylie finds out.

She still sits out that day like always.

But later, she goes and talks to her brother.

"How long have you and Henrietta been dating?"

" long have you known?" Kyle asks instead of answering.

"I've suspected for a while, but realised today."

"...a month."


She waits a moment, then...

"Can't believe you actually got yourself a girlfriend, at last."

The siblings laugh.

"I'm not gonna tell anyone, but people are wondering is all I'm saying."

Yet somehow, they're all still surprised when Kyle and Henrietta don't flirt next time.

They kiss.

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