Chapter 6

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The next day, it's chaos.

Because Kupa Keep has broken the rule of never taking the stick at night.

So now it's gone again.

Kyle calls everyone in for an emergency meeting.

"We're going to let more people in on our side so we have a better chance at taking down the wizards," he said.

New Kid would be crucial for these recruitments.

"We need you to get the goths and the pirates to fight on our side tonight."

They needed some new outfits first.

Kendra was more than happy to help out.

While Kyle tried to take the opportunity to apologise to his sister.

"Don't," Kylie said. "You've already said enough, you said how you feel and there's no coming back from that, so let it go."

She went off to busy herself with weapons, clearly ending the conversation.

"You did go too far," Stacy said to him.

Kyle sighed. "I know, you said that to me repeatedly last night."

"To make sure it stuck in there."


New Kid left with Stan and Jimmy, going to recruit the goths first.

Along the way, there were two incidents involving zombies.

One at the now destroyed mall, and one at the farm.

Everyone got out okay and also unbitten, at least.

At the coffee shop, New Kid picked up some coffee like the goths had said.

On their way out, they were ambushed.

"The wizards have requested your presence!" one of the captors said.

And so, they were forcefully taken to Kupa Keep.

The wizards were waiting when they had arrived.

"Oh look, people around here can actually do what they're told," Erica remarked.

"Shocking, right? After what happened with Clyde, I was really worried our entire army would prove to be incompetent," Eric said.

"I'm surprised you know that word."

"Oh shut up."

New Kid was released from their restraints as the wizards began their talk.

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