Chapter 29

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Kylie sits and tells Jason everything in the morning.

Who killed her, why the resurrection spell didn't work right away, and what her plan is now.

"So you need my help?" Jason asks.

"Yes, just for weapons and the other thing."

"And it should work?"

"I really hope so."


Henrietta had felt so guilty and upset over the failed resurrection that she ended up going to Kyle and confessing what she did along with an apology.

"I didn't want to say anything in case it didn't work, and I was so certain it would, I'm so sorry."

"Hey, you tried. And she wasn't religious at all, I'm sure she'd have loved Satanic magic attempts on her."

"....I still feel bad."

"Well, I'm not mad. Even if it didn't work, I'm glad you didn't give up on her."


"Come on, you need to get up and eat," Stacy said.

Erica had taken the failure hard and was refusing to get out of bed no matter what.

"Sweetheart, it wasn't your fault," Stacy sat on the bed. "At least you tried."

"It should have worked. I don't understand why it didn't work," Erica muttered.

"It wasn't your fault."

"How do we know that? How do we know my magic was even strong enough?"

"Because it's you."

Eric has appeared in the doorway.

"Because you chased power in magic and you know it better than anyone else. Even if I wasn't there, I know you have more than enough magic. None of what happened was your fault, none of it."

He then goes.

Stacy looked at Erica to see what she would do.

And she got out of bed.

"Yeah, I'm hungry."

Stacy offered her a hand, which she took and allowed herself to be led to the kitchen.

She ate something, and felt a lot better.

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