Chapter 32

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Kenny doesn't end up getting too far.

Kendra uses their crossbow to put an arrow in her leg when she tries to run.

They storm over to where their cousin is now on the ground.

"Get up, get the fuck up."

Kenny is struggling and doesn't seem to bother, she's in a lot of pain with her leg.

Kendra, unhappy with her not doing as she's told, rolls their eyes and fires an arrow just inches from her head as a warning.

"Get the fuck up!" they demand.

Now she listens, holding in screams as she's forced to put weight on an injured leg.

"I think this is too far," Kyle tries to stop it.

Kendra doesn't look away from Kenny as they speak.

"This piece of shit betrayed you twice and killed your sister on top of trying to destroy your kingdom. She framed me for what happened with the stick and betrayed me when I thought she could be trusted. It's too far when I decide it's too far."

No one else tries to stop them at this point.

"Get down on your knees," Kendra demands.

Kenny doesn't. " leg, Kendra. I can't..."

An arrow goes through her other leg and she screams, falling to her knees.

"I could kill you right now if I wanted to. Could make it real quick and effortless too."

Kendra puts the crossbow right on her forehead. "It would be so easy, you know?"

"You can't kill me, Kendra. We're family-"

Arrow to the shoulder, and Kenny screams in pain once more.

"You're right, I can't kill you. Not in front of people anyway, but we are not family. We haven't been family for a long time and I hate you so much, I don't consider you anything."

Kendra keeps the crossbow at Kenny's forehead as they turn to speak to everyone else.

"You all should go, this won't be a pretty sight."

"I'm staying," Erica says.

"Me too," Henrietta nods, "we don't want another incident."

It's understandable, so Kendra agrees.

Kylie smiles. "Give her hell."

"Keep them and yourself safe," Stacy says to Erica.

"Thank you, for everything," Kyle says to Henrietta.

Once they are sure the others are a good distance away, Kendra shoots Kenny in the lung.

They pull the arrow out.

"You'll die a slow, painful death like Kylie did. Fuck you, you bitch."

She is left to die, slow and alone

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