Chapter 12

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Kendra never would have thought this is what their life would be like.

It started when they and their cousin Kenny were taken to the elf kingdom after Kenny's parents were killed.

That's how Kendra met Kylie and Stacy who lived there, and Erica who came by a lot to visit.

It's how their friendship was formed.

But then some time after Kylie's parents were killed, Kendra caught Kenny stealing the stick.

While she got away, they were caught.

Kylie felt so betrayed, she rarely came by to see them.

They stood by what they said about not knowing Kenny would do this.

They never wanted the stick at all.

Stacy believed Kendra even if Kylie couldn't just yet.

The fact that Kenny had taken the stick in a deal with the wizards at Kupa Keep meant those two could be asked who was involved.

Erica, regretting her chase in power, said Kendra had no idea.

Only Kenny had been in on it, she swore.

And Erica was a shit liar, Kylie knew she was telling the truth.

Kendra was released and was allowed to stay in the kingdom if they remained loyal.

Which of course they were.

Kylie eventually gave them an apology, and the two were friends again.

Until Kendra asked her out, and the rest is history.

They haven't seen Kenny since that awful night.

If they ever see her again, they will kill her.

That's a promise.

She'd deserve it.

In the meantime...

Kendra sits with Kylie as she rages about her frenemy.

They hope New Kid won't betray them.

The newbie may have defeated Kylie before, but they haven't seen her at her worst.

It would be bad.

Extremely bad, actually.

They know their girlfriend could be capable of murder if she wanted.

Hopefully New Kid would end up making the right choice.

For their own sake.

SPNPG SOT AU - RewriteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz