Chapter 2

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By the time Kylie managed to catch Jasper, drag and toss him back over, Kyle had finished with New Kid.

"Kylie will help you with combat, fighting and all that," he said.

She shoved Jasper away, back to his post with the simple instruction 'don't fuck up' to follow.

"Okay, so here's what you need to know," Kylie said to New Kid.


"They're getting their ass kicked so hard," Kendra grinned.

"Obviously. What was Kyle even thinking, putting New Kid up against the unbeatable one?" Stacy added.

It would be too good.

The fight hadn't even started yet and they could already tell Kylie wouldn't go too easy on them.

She would at first, but she'd slowly go up to her full strength to defeat her opponent.

At least that's what usually happened.

Instead, the group watched as New Kid somehow overpowered and defeated Kylie.

"Oh shit," Stacy said as Kendra ran over.

Their girlfriend waved off the offered help and got up on her own.

"Great, so now I can show you how to heal yourself. Come over here."

As Kylie fixed herself up, Kendra talked to New Kid.

"That was seriously impressive what you did," they said. "I mean, extremely. You could be a very valuable ally."

"Yeah, if we're not making a huge mistake that could cost us everything," Kylie rolled her eyes.

"Same here, not trusting a person I just met," Jason said.

"Well, Stan said Kyle is ready to announce them as our newest recruit," Stacy smiled sheepishly.

Kylie put her head in her hands for a second. "Well that's just great, we're stuck with them."

New Kid didn't appear to have any reaction to any of these remarks.

They were later announced as the newest recruit in the fight against Kupa Keep.

An army of elves are preparing to storm the enemy kingdom and take back their stick.

"The army will cause a huge diversion in the main areas, and I'm handling Erica because why would I miss my chance?" Kylie grinned.

Her brother rolled his eyes at this, the hypocrite.

Once the plans had been made and everyone was ready, away they went to Kupa Keep.

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