Chapter 22

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Princess Kenny was a tough one indeed.

Tougher than any enemy New Kid had faced before.

But somehow, they managed to defeat her.

"It's over, Kenny. You can't run away from this one," Kendra said.

She knew that, but she wouldn't be giving up that easily.

While she couldn't leave, no one could stop her from drinking the yucky goo and becoming a zombie.

"Typical," Kendra sighed, "I'll be with New Kid on this one. Any excuse to beat the shit out of her."

The battle began.

Most would expect Kendra to not be very experienced in battle, right?

This used to the case honestly, but then they asked Kylie to teach them.

So they're pretty experienced now, as you might imagine.

And they're also super pissed at Kenny too.

With Kendra's anger and urge for revenge, New Kid felt pretty confident.

The two were, at this point in time, simply unstoppable.

Kenny could put up a good fight as a zombie, but not good enough.

She was eventually defeated and fell to the ground.

"Just give up!" Kendra yelled.

Unfortunately, she rose back up.

It took two more failed defeats for Eric to make a decision.

"We need the violation of the unspoken rule to win," he said.

" what you have to," Kyle replied after some hesitation.

Eric managed to sneak up behind Kenny and hold her in place for the attack.

"Do it, New Kid! Do it now!" Kendra yelled.

New Kid quickly rushed over and did what was asked.

A bright light washed over the land.

The zombies were turned back to normal people, and luckily most of them hadn't been eaten and were alive.

The crash site was fixed and all the goo was gone, just completely vanished.

Kenny was dead, and Kendra spat on the corpse after Eric backed off.

"Fuck you," they said.

The group finally had the stick.

"What do we do now?" Kylie asked.

"I have an idea," Eric said.

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