[New Skill Acquired: Fire Manipulation Lvl 1]

[New Skill Acquired: Fire Release: Embers Lvl 1]

With a confused frown, I pulled the new skills' screens up.

[Fire Manipulation – Lvl 1

Increases control of fire according to level.

Fire jutsu use 0.5% less chakra.

Fire jutsu are 0.5% more effective.

The user is 0.5% more resistant to fire.]

'Oh, now I understand,' I thought with a mental nod. 'Same skill, really, but the values are lower because it's not my affinity. Interesting that. Wonder if it has a higher max level so that I can get it to be a second affinity of sorts,' I theorized to myself.

[Fire Release: Embers – Lvl 1

E-rank technique with which the user launches a small fire ball at a target.

Hand Seals – 4

Consumption – 10 Chakra Points.]

'Nothing strange here,' I noted before dismissing all screens and turning towards my sensei with a pleased expression, I had to pause at the strange look she wore.

"You know, kiddo? I think I'm starting to see why they chose me as your teacher," She said, although she seemed to be speaking more to herself than to me. I tilted my head in confusion. "I still wonder though..."

"Sensei?" I asked, voicing my confusion as her voice grew lower the more she spoke.

"Doesn't matter," She shook off with a shrug. "This one jutsu is more important than you realize," Anko stressed, wearing a mildly serious look on her face. "Your affinity is Lightning, which doesn't do well against Air jutsu users. Fire, on the other hand, works better against those. So we are basically covering for one of your weaknesses with this."

'Hmm, that explains why she didn't hand me a Water jutsu,' I thought while nodding. I had been wondering about that while studying the scrolls. Water would have added a new edge to my already good Lightning techniques. But I could safely say that I was decently powerful. So, covering my weak points sounded better than improving my strong ones.

"Anyway, next one, kiddo. Wow me with your prodigiousness, student of mine," She ordered, switching between somewhat serious tone to her more usual mocking one. I took note that she didn't say anything this time about me being ready or not.

Instead of doing as told, I stared at her until she raised an eyebrow at me. Then, I simply took a deep breath in and concentrated on the jutsu. And, as my chakra this time concentrated on both my palms, I threw my hands in front of me right before their cackled with energy and Lightning flew at yet another tree.

[Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Strike – Lvl 1

D-rank technique with which the user creates a wave of electricity from their hands.]

Hand Seals – 5

Consumption – 20 Chakra Points.]

"One scary kid alright, old man," I heard Anko muttering behind me. Had the Hokage told her something about me? "Well, that's two out of three," She added, this time actually speaking to me. "Last one, brat, and then we train for real."

Something about her tone told me that she didn't mean our now usual training, and that realization made me shiver internally. So, deciding to focus on less concerning thoughts, I settled for attempting the Lightning Flicker.

And so I did... or tried to, at least. Why 'tried'? Well...

"Hahahaha," I groaned as Anko laughed her ass off. I pushed myself off the ground and arched my back trying to will the pain away. "You don't push with both feet, brat. You have to use one to stop yourself. Otherwise... well, you don't and that means you fly in whatever direction you stepped towards."

Game of Shadows by Adrian King1Where stories live. Discover now