Chapter 2 | Short Interactions

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---This chapter is rather short... Just getting into the FNIA Swing of things been a full YEAR! Since I made a FNIA Story after all so be patient with me in getting into the swing of interesting story arcs.... OH! and I can confirm this story will likely!!! Go up to the 2nd game, Skip the third, and go into the Pizza Plex as story arcs... and I may POTENTIALLY! The fourth game as well depends on what you guys want me to do---

---Freya Pov---

"Woah! So, like you actually work out now... You don't just say that to girls like you used to?" Chica asks Shawn making him grow poorly drawn anime eyes and a angered expression. "I DID NO SUCH THING!" He shouts about her calling out of his old ways. I and bonnie laugh amusedly at him. "Surrrrre you didn't... At any rate, where happy to have you back around... More so as a Night guard, it's actually a change of pace to have someone we can trust, and a familiar face behind that uniform..." Bonnie states, extending a hand seemingly to shake, he grabs it and goes to shake it, only to be pulled against her into a one-armed bro hug. He acts startled for only a moment before providing a single arm around her to return the hug. "Just make sure you don't turn out like the other guard... Don't want to have to kill a friend ya know!" Bonnie states, releasing him and ruffling his hair, he chuckles. "I'm not going to be some worthless pervert Bonnie, however, I shall be a cringy idiot during my rain as night guard! HEHE!" He gets devious and she gives a joking look of teasing, whilst partially turning away her head and giving a playful grin.

"Well, you are the walking embodiment of cringe... 19, and working in a anime convention... Talk about cringe town central!" She teases him, he unceremoniously flicks her on the bunny ears like he always has when she teases him. "Ouch!" She yips and rubs her ear. "Bad BunBun!" He tease fully speaks calling her by her nickname. She grows a playful look towards him. "Welcome home kid..." Bonnie tells him seeing he hadn't changed at all from this small interaction with him, Chica wraps a arm around his shoulder and hugs him against her side. "Think you can lift me now that you've been working out?" Chica asks him in a teasing tone and a prideful grin on her face. He glances over at her with a game on look. "Only one way to find out!" He growls with excitement to prove his strength as he always has before. Chica looks at Bonnie and me as she releases him with a clear look of hopeful excitement. Getting down into a push up position on the floor he glares over his shoulder at Chica. "What's the target number this time around?" He asks, she climbs atop his back and sits atop his back with her legs criss crossed. "You could only do 2 last time... So I'd say 10 is a good number to go for!" She cheers teasingly. "Psh... Piece of cake!" He states as she holds a hand near her face, and extends a finger in a explanative fashion. "I doubt it'll be that easy, I'm still a 500 Pound robo--T!!!!" She's startled with him going ahead and beginning, I watch with Bonnie with a gentle blush of partial attraction to the difference of strength he had compared to last time. Easily he completes the first push up, and charges head on into the next with zero difficulty. Chica begins to blush with subtle attraction to the strength like any straight woman does to a strong man displaying their strength.

"2....3.....4.....5....6...." Holy shit... He's actually going to complete 10... "7...........E-eight!" He begins to bog down, and begins to struggle with the weight. I and Bonnie hold our hands in fists and arms out in a cheering fashion same with our expression. "Come on Shawn! You can do it!!!" We cheer him on. "N-N-NIIIIINEEEEEEE!" He roars out and begins the final one. "You've got this Shawn! One more! Just one more!" Chica cheers for him also as hyped about him reaching the goal! Halfway back up he loses steam, and completely stops, and just struggles around. "COME OOOOOOON!!!" He roars at himself slowly struggling up. "T-TEN!!!!!!" He roars out completing the final push up, and immediately Chica stands up off his back, and stares down at him with a great blush like us, whilst Bonnie and I clapped at the performance with blushes, but also look of appreciation to the strength he had accumulated since we last seen him. "I'd comment about your weight... But I'm afraid of being kicked in the dick for it... So I'll remain silent." Shawn states in a pant, as he brings himself off the floor. Chica looks at him with a dark aura around her and a innocent smile yet the aura screamed anything but innocent.

"Are you suggesting I'm heavy Shawn?" She asks innocently toned. Whilst he, me and Bonnie stared at her with a comical large sweat mark behind our heads. "N-No... I-I would never!" He nervously and awkwardly covers his own ass and rather quickly, she loses that aura and reopens her eyes whilst putting her hands together innocently. "OH! Okay then!" She cheered, as Foxy and Mangle came out of their coves and into the main room, Foxy stretching and Yawning whilst Mangle nearly slep walked into the room with her eyes closed, and holding onto Foxy to lead her around. "Weird... I would have thought you'd have killed the guard..." Foxy states to the girls, I laugh amused with the observation. "Can you guess why we haven't?" I ask her, as she stares at him and so does tired Mangle. "Hmmm... He looks oddly familiar... But No I've got no idea." She admits shrugging her shoulders as she answered. "I wonder if you'll believe this... The guard is actually Shawn... You remember him right?" I ask, as Mangle's eyes widen and she almost immediately wakes fully up, and Foxy does two, their tails stand straight up and start swaying slowly.

"Well don't you look grown up! I didn't even recognize you!!! You look like a total snack kid!" Foxy bluntly flirts with him, oddly that made me feel subtly annoyed, but not to be mistaken with Jealousy. He rubs the back of his head and blushes rather hard, clearly having not been flirted with or complimented by a woman like that before. How hopeless can he be! "P-Pardon me for my rudeness... B-But my sister is right, You look really handsome compared to before... I'm happy to see you got your pimple problem under control and gotten rid of..." Mangle states, embarrassing him further. He glances away embarrassed but flattered. "Ah, don't be all mushy please... I'm no different then I was last year..." He proclaims, but we all knew it wasn't the truth. I spoke up before anyone else. "No, you're definitely the same Shawn from then... But you look like a stud in comparison to a total nerd in a rock band like you were before! HAHA!" I tease him shamelessly, he glances over at me with a relatively hard blush, guess that's the first he's been called a stud huh how cute... Got him all flustered. Doubt he will hear that one again hahaha! Foxy's eyes widen with amazement, as she steps towards him with a impressed blush. "WOAH! Lad are you working out now!?" She asks reaching out and feeling his left bicep. He blushes again and stares at her with a embarrassed look. "Yeah... Three times a week at the minimum. Thanks for noticing, I take a lot of pride in my fitness lately." He states, rather then telling anyone the true story of his working out... like he did me... I find that rather strange... Though it's always been that way with him... I guess I really am his open book teddy bear to him... He doesn't feel scared to pour out his feelings to me... yet he's shy to do so with the others.

---End of Chapter 2---

o-o IT'S  5:21AM I haven't went to sleep help

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o-o IT'S  5:21AM I haven't went to sleep help

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