Chapter 1 | 2000's Kid?

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Be aware, this will be my final FNIA story till I eventually leave Wattpad, so I'll try my hardest on this one

---Shawn Pov---

Stepping out of my car, and stepping into the snow-covered parking lot, I pull my toboggin over my head and shimmy it around till it feels comfortable on my head. I stare up at the flickering Anime convention sign and smile softly, the memories I made with friends who've since long moved away, and captured themselves a life to live, and a wife or husband to live with... People I always hangout with out here when we were in middle school and early high school. I can still hear the laughter, and complaining of the terribly cheap pizza, yet we always insisted on buying it again each visit just to make it a talking point on how bad it was. How we always used to tease Chica about her cooking... I chuckle innocently aloud as I close my car door and place earbuds in my ears, and turn my old MP3 Player on, playing a old viral song from my childhood. From a man name Toby. But you know him as Tobuscus... The songs name? "Viral Song" Walking through the snow covered parking lot to the front door, I start to hum to the song. Reaching the door I start to get a little pimp in my step, a subtle dance style walk if you will. I shove the door open and walk in and by now I'm just singing out right. "Did you know that cashews come from a fruit? (That's right)D-D-D Did you know that cashews come from a fruit? Ca-Ca-Ca Cashews, cashews, fru-fru-fru fruit!?D-D-D Did you know that? Noooooo!-" I sing without a hint of care in the world.

Outside my earbuds, and beyond my hearing due to wearing them, Bonnie on the stage comments with a comical anime fashion look of cringe. "Cringy... But at least he's got good taste in clean music..." She comments in a tone of clear awkward nature. "Well... Considering it's a 2013 song, he's no doubt a kid from the early 2000's..." Freya comments with her hands crossed and placed atop her mic stand whilst she leaned forwards, and rested her head atop said arms. "SING IT!Cashews, cashews! Come from a fruit!AGAIN!Cashews, cashews! Come from a fruit!LOUDER!Cashews, cashews! Come from a fruit!D-D-D Did you know that? NO!!!" Chica starts singing along with me, but I can't hear it over my earbuds, she does so innocently. Freya glares over at her along with Bonnie with two different looks, Freya, clearly unsurprised, and not impressed, whilst Bonnie became further into her cringed out expressive nature. The song ends, and another starts, in-between it, Chica looks over at Bonnie and defends her actions simply with a shrug. "What, I like Tobuscus, his songs are really catchy" She states without shame in herself. "Chica... I mean this in the nicest way possible" Freya starts off, whilst glaring over at Chica without moving a muscle from leaning atop her mic stand. "You're singing... Was very much traumatic for my ears, and I'm going to need you to not do that again" Freya finishes, Chica gets a bummed look and nods. "Okay" Chica speaks in a cute, defeated voice, though I didn't hear any of this. I walk down the first hallway and into the security office.

Taking out my earbuds, I turn off my ANCIENT! TEC! Which was a MP3 Player, and stuff it into my pocket. I sit down in the office chair and pull out my phone, I open it and stare at the lock screen, a photo of the final time me and my friends where all in the same place together... Here... one year ago... I stare at the photo of them, and all our smiles... With the Anime Convention girls around us as we performed with the Anime girls... it was also... the last time our band ever performed, a band that was supposed to take off, and carry us into wealth, and a life of happiness as brothers... as a crew... but it never really took off. In the photo I sing with my back against Freya's into her Microphone, whilst Matthew jammed on the Eletric rock guitar whilst he and Bonnie faced down one another clearly challenging one another to a battle of skill with the guitar's! Meanwhile Aron eating shitty pizza with Chica and playing one half of the drums whilst Chica played the other half of the drums in unison with one another... Around all 6 of us was Alden, and Tommy having a dance off with Mangle, and Foxy, and clearly losing...haha.... Good times... We all looked so happy. I open my phone past the lock screen, and stare at my home screen... Which was the second to last photo were I got a photo of everyone with their girlfriends... who have became their wives...

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