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I'm trying to give Lyrica and Coach a stronger relationship and I'm living for it so far.

(3rd P.O.V.)

30 minutes later the bell rings and the students all file out of the class, some half asleep from taking naps, and others wide awake and excited from getting to mess around with friends. The next three classes pass by smoothly, each one similar to the first, and before anyone knows it, it's time for lunch.

Lyrica goes out into the hallway, watching as students move around and rush towards the cafeteria, when a familiar smell causes her heart to drop. Her eyes dart around, determined to find the source, when they lock on two boys from her first period. One is Stiles Stilinski, the one who had asked about her "tattoo", and the other is Scott McCall, she remembered from attendance. Stiles is spastically talking about something, and Scott looks like he's barely paying attention to his friend.

With a sigh, Lyrica turns and ventures back into her room, pulling out her phone to text her husband.

There's a werewolf in the school. He's freshly turned judging by the scent. She quickly types and hits send before typing again. Laura wouldn't just turn a kid.

Not unless it was life or death. Derek replies. I've got a scent I've been tracking for about an hour. Hopefully I can find her and we can figure this out.

Be safe. There's hunters in the area. I've got an Argent in one of my classes.

Shit. I will.

"The party has arrived!"

Lyrica looks up and chuckles at the sight of the lacrosse coach entering her room, arms full of food from the cafeteria.

"Did you leave anything for the kids?" She asks as he dumps his haul onto a desk.

"Not important." Coach waves his hand. "But what is important... they had chocolate pudding left."

"Oh my gosh." Lyrica laughs, taking the small container and spoon offered to her. "I thought pudding was something they almost never did?"

"It is." He nods, picking up his own pudding and sitting at the desk with his haul. "They only ever break it out on special occasions and like once a year. I guess the first day of school was it this year."

Lyrica takes a bite of her sweet, eyes widening at the taste while Coach laughs at her face.

"Holy shit this is good."

"Told ya." He smirks. "I've tried and tried to get the recipe out of those lunch ladies, but they refuse to give it up. Their own special concoction."

Lyrica's grin falters as a sudden wave of sadness rushes over her. She sets her pudding down and her hand reaches for the mark on the base of her neck, knowing that's where the feeling was coming from.

"Cramp?" Coach asks, noticing her sudden change in attitude.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I get them all the time." Lyrica plasters her smile back on, rubbing her neck as if she were trying to relax the muscles.


Lyrica easily catches the banana flying at her face, leaving the man with a wide eyed look.

"Shit, sorry, Lyrica. I guess my aim is rusty."

"It's fine." Lyrica chuckles and passes the fruit back, opening her own lunch box. "I've got my own. Thanks, though."

"Just looking out for ya."

The two teachers fall into a comfortable silence, eating their lunches, when there's a sudden commotion in the hall outside the room.

"There's no point in running, Lahey!" A voice calls and Lyrica jumps to her feet as footsteps rush closer to the room.

Mama Hale -A Derek Hale Fanfiction ~~REWRITE~~Where stories live. Discover now