Shizune:on that point you've told everyone you've stopped pursuing him and have no trouble killing him are you really sure you can do the deed? hiruzen, Jiraiya, Tsunade all 3 had a soft spot for Orochimaru even after decades of not seeing him he was still they're comrades are you any different then them?

Naruto:my answer do that is....i don't know saying is one thing but actually following through with it? I want to say I'll see when the day comes but if i hesitate if i don't treat him like the enemy that he now is it could cost me my life

*They didn't say much more then that as Naruto sat down next to Shizune and slept next to her using her shoulder as a pillow*

Scene change

*We see the team making it to Konoha's gates*

Kakashi:alright the mission is officially over everybody go back do you're homes and Naruto where are you going?

*All eyes turned to Naruto who turned around and started walking away from the gates and the group*

Naruto:I'm going fishing need to relax a bit

Neji:and to run away from Shizune when she remembers you guys still need to buy home things like plate

*Naruto flinched and started to sweat as he could feel the anger growing inside Shizune*

Naruto:fuck you Neji and Shizune.....

*A puff of smoked sorrounded Naruto when the smoke disappeared all that was left was a log of wood*

Shizune:damn it Naruto you can't escape this forever!!!

Naruto:no but i can escape from this today!!

*Naruto screamed at the distance already with a fishing pole and hat, Shizune gave a muffled scream of frustration before stomping away to they're home to think of a way of revenge*


With Shizune

*She decided it was best for her to calm down with some tea so we see her at a tea shop having a calm time with herself and having the last of the dangos while in the background anko was bickering with the restaurant owner that said they we're out of dangos*

???:hello shizune-san i would like to talk do you

*A voice said Shizune turned to see Hinata looking at her*

Shizune:um sure want to sit down?

*Hinata nodded and sat down they looked at each other until Hinata opened her mouth*

Hinata:i...want to talk about Naruto i heard that you and him were living together

*Shizune raised her eyes slightly amused where this conversation was going*

Shizune"note to self kill anko for gossiping"

Shizune:yes we have if things go well they're might be a new Uzumaki in like a year or two

*That sentence made Hinata flinch and her mood went sour her eyes hardening*

Hinata:more to the point of why I'm here, you don't belong with him

*Shizune put her cup down and got up putting some money on the table for the waitress she looked at Hinata with bored eyes*

Shizune:and let me guess you do? I commend you for gaining to courage to come up to me and say this but i.don' what you think Hinata and neither does Naruto you know why? Because time after time after bloody time you've missed you're opportunity do be something more then that shy leaf comrade that passes out whenever she's near him, hell when he told you what he has inside him was the latest shot you had to be something more to support him to be there for him, but what do you do? You ran, you ignored him and more to the point you feared him, the thing Naruto hated the most if having people of his own village fear him see him as nothing more then the demon itself instead of just it's jailer, you say i don't belong to him but I've been there for him more this entire year then you've been in you're entire life so please don't ever bring this up again and I'll pretend you never did if not.... well I'll have to show you what the Hokage taught me In a fight

*Shizune turned around and walked away with anko not far behind her seeing her friend there leaving Hinata all alone in a state of numb shock*

Meanwhile with sasuke at the valley of the end

*We see him walking back to Konoha his team behind him he was a man on a mission*

Sasuke:Naruto....i will have the kyuubi

*Sasuke whispered to himself as he looked Infront of him with his sharingan as his cursed mark glowed, after discoverign about the kyuubi from Orochimaru Sasuke planned to take his power his final step to be more powerful then itachi and finally get his revenge, what him and his team didn't know was that they were being watched as on top of the Madara statue stood Naruto looking down at Sasuke he felt him on his way back, Naruto felt it was his duty as Sasuke teammate and for a small period of time his friend it was his duty to do what Kakashi could not and end this cycle of hatred*


*Naruto got up and jumped down with determination in his eyes it was time for a rematch and this time Naruto wasn't gonna hold back*

Aúthor note:

This Sasuke is after he killed Orochimaru but before he killed itachi, also im finally done with a Shinobi's will the next chapter a are gonna be completely me

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker




Thank you again for the donation

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