🪓Despair yandere teruteru x reader: escape fail

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Y/n,s pov

I have been trapped in this room for weeks but today I will escape. I waited until teruteru left to grab some food to cook with. Once he left I cut the ropes that bound me to this wooden chair with a piece of glass I found on the floor. I then began looking around fora key or something to open the door with. I found a boby pin put it in the keyhole and twisted.....it worked. I took a step forward and bumped into something or rather someone. I slowly look up/down to see teruteru staring at me with anger and lust. I didn't have time to say anything before everything faded to black and I hit the floor.


I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in the chair with teruteru standing in front of me "oh your finaly awake cher~" he said in a seductive tone which made me blush. I'll never admit it but I've developed a small crush on the insane cannibal chef I didn't like being kidnapped by him tho.

(Kinda smut beginning)

He slowly sat on my lap and held my chin facing him with his thumb and index finger "you know your in big trouble right~" I noded being to flustered to speak "but before I punish you everyone needs to know that your MINE~" he whispered in my ear. He moved his mouth down to my neck and gave it light kisses he soon began sucking and lightly biting leaving purple marks I can't wash of later. He kept on moving around trying to find my sweet spot when suddenly he found it I let out a loud moan and he started biting and sucking that spot more until their was a mark. He then stood up and kissed me on the lips.

Kinda smut end

"Alright time for your punishment" he announced I was scared of what was going to happen to me. He held my hand and moved down to my leg "just squeeze my hand if this hurts to much" suddenly SNAP he broke my leg I screamed in pain as he moved to my other leg and did the same making me unable to walk. He bandages everything up and apologized saying he had to make sure I couldn't try to escape again. He made me some soup and fed it to me while making small talk. It was soon time to sleep teruteru put a pillow behind my head and gave me quick peck on the lips saying goodnight and leaving as usual. I soon fell asleep wondering what was going to happen tomorrow.

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