"You can't expect us to just abandon everyone here in Northuldra." Wrenn argued. She looked to Rapunzel and Anna. "Mom, Aunt Anna. You still need us!"

"We just defeated a massive invading force." Amelia added. The hot headed teen raised her sword. "Whatever comes this way we will break them against our defences again!"

But Anna and Rapunzel shook their heads sadly.

"No Amelia, I'm afraid we will not be able to hold the next attack." Said Rapunzel. The Queen turned her head to the East, a faint gust blew against her face. "Something gigantic is approaching, with each moment the stench of ash and molten iron grows stronger."

Then Varian stepped forward, his expression grim. "It is Chernabog, he is coming." The engineer said.

In the blink of an eye the atmosphere changed, all who heard Varian paused, frozen, the colours drained from their faces. The sweet euphoria of a victory hard won suddenly forgotten, for the Engineer has spoken the coming of The Devil of Bald Mountain.

Many in the audience too were stunned into blanch horror. Hushed mutterings quickly began to circulate within the crowd like wild fire, though they furiously whispered to one another all gave pause and extreme trepidation before mentioning the devil's name.

There were few who have not heard of Chernabog.

"Uh, who is this Chernabog that I speak of?" Asked Varian, one of the few.

Everyone on the table turned to look at Varian, then at each other. Eventually it was Frederic who cleared his throat.

"Varian, the being known as Chernabog comes from legends of old. He is what you might call the demon, not a demon, the demon. The Devil if you will." Frederic explained.

"Devil?" Asked Varian.

"Aye, Frederic speaks the truth." Edmund agreed. "The Dark Kingdom has kept records and manuscripts of many great evils of the world. The one named Chernabog is known as the King of Demons, The God of Evil, the list of names go on, but all sources regarding Chernabog have the same conclusion. Chernabog is the greatest force of evil the world has known."

Next, Arianna leaned in. "It is said he was imprisoned in the blasted lands somewhere in East Europe. That an ancient hero bound him on the top of Bald Mountain. Some say he is the top of Bald Mountain, such is his immense size."

"Guess he's not bound anymore." Said Kristoff.

The kids have been shocked into silence, as had the fortress defenders.

"K-k, I guess it was only a matter of time before he decided to come for us himself." Flynn cursed.

"We cannot defeat Chernabog." So saith the queen. And this time Anna received no arguments.

Being the most level headed member in the group, Eri stepped forward.

"You mentioned you wanted to send us somewhere else, a place that needed our help." Eri narrowed her eyes. "If Northuldra is now a lost cause, all because Chernabog has finally cast his sights upon us. Then how long before that place becomes Chernabog's next target?"

"That would all depend on you, Your Highness." This time it was the wizard who spoke. A tall bearded elderly man wearing blue robes and a pointy blue hat made himself known. "If you are successful in your mission, then that place and all places will never suffer the predation of Chernabog or any of the Unquiet's."

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