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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ SPORT

ROSIE GRY HAD BEEN pacing around Hopper's cabin for the past ten minutes, and practically everyone in the room was sick of it. In her defence, she always got anxious when El went into her weird, all-seeing void, and although El definitely knew what she was doing, Rosie had seen enough to know there was some merit to her worry. The look in El's eyes when she tore off her blindfold the other times was enough to give her nightmares.

El had been in that room for ages, she could hear the vague static from her spot in the living room, and soon Mike had joined her in her pacing. Which, by the way, almost convinced her to stop. Was she morphing into that pasty white boy?

Okay, maybe pasty was a bit mean. But still!

Chrissy was busy with Nancy and Jonathan, calling any farm they could find in the newspaper while Will twiddled his thumbs as an onlooker.

"It can't be good for her to be in there for this long," Mike reasoned to himself aloud, and Max rolled her eyes, something she usually did when Mike opened his mouth.

"Mike, you need to relax."

"What if she gets brain damage or something?" Mike snapped back. Rosie shot him a look.

Lucas looked up in sudden alarm, "Oh, shit. Is that, like, a real thing?"

"No, it's not. He made it up," Max scoffed, "Mike doesn't know what he's talking about."

"Oh, and you do?"

"Hey, lay off her Mike," Rosie stepped in, suddenly halting in her pacing.

"I thought you were on my side! Aren't you worried, Rosie?"

"Yeah, but I'm always worried," Rosie shrugged, folding her arms, "Chrissy could go on a rollercoaster by herself and I'd shit my pants. That doesn't mean I don't think she's capable."

"See! That's the difference between us," Max started, gesturing wildly, "We care about her, but she's a human being and she makes her own choices. She's not your pet, Mike."

"I don't think she's my—!"

Rosie sighed and rubbed her temples, keen on blocking out their argument. She took a seat next to Lucas, and he shot her a worried glance.

Lucas had always been the pillar of the group. The heart, the glue, the one who always had his eye on his friends. And Rosie couldn't even begin to express how grateful she was for that. Sometimes it felt lonely, feeling like she was the only person that cared, but Lucas would remind her she was never really alone.

"It's gonna be fine, Ro," Lucas reassured her, and she nodded weakly, "I'm serious! You and I both know El could kick literally anyone's ass."

"Yeah, I know," Rosie nodded, leaning into him slightly, "I'm just tired, I guess. I can't get over the fact you dealt with all of this at like...twelve."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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