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ROSIE WASN'T A FAN OF HOSPITALS. Despite having a father who worked there, Rosie had grown up wanting to avoid them as much as possible. Maybe she was sick of it. Until Chrissy was old enough to stay home alone with Rosie, they had stayed at the hospital, sleeping in the waiting room and drinking hot chocolate made by the receptionist. So everything about the hospital was unexciting to her. Not to mention they were always cold, no matter how high you turned up the heater, and everything just seemed to be washed in grey, like you had sucked the life out of it with a straw. Not to mention the sickness, the despondency in the air and the sticky hand sanitiser. That freaking hand sanitiser that smelled like what Rosie imagined the ninth circle of Dante's inferno smelt like.

But, the evil of hospitals was necessary to endure if the group wanted to find Mrs Driscoll.

The stoney hospital air attacked Rosie's bare arms as they entered, an air that was filled with the gossiping of a receptionist. Rosie held her breath, following Nancy to the elevator, praying that the receptionist wouldn't—

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" The receptionist stood from her chair, stopping the group in their tracks, "Excuse me! Where do you think you're going?"

Nancy huffed slightly, "Oh, um... I was just going to visit my grandma again. And— And this... this is my family."

The receptionist's eyes fell on Lucas, Rosie and Chrissy, an eyebrow raised.

"Extended," Lucas gave her a sheepish grin.

Chrissy nodded like it was gospel.

Rosie offered her a smile.

"I don't care who they are," The receptionist was unconvinced, "You know the rules. Two visitors at a time."

"Yeah, but—"


Nancy immediately looked to Chrissy, who just shrugged awkwardly. Before they knew it, the couple (well, Rosie was beginning to question that now) took off towards the elevator.

The receptionist held the phone to her chest, eyes settling down the hallway as someone approached, "Xander, this child has lost her mind. She brought a whole zoo in here."

Xander. Oh no no no no

"It's definitely a big grou— Rosie?"

Rosie turned to see her dad, Xander Gry, in all his glory standing there in his blue scrubs and newly twisted locs

Her eyes widened, her brain freezing for a solid two seconds before she managed to splutter out a reply, "Uh, hi dad! Nice seeing you, here. Uh. At your work. Yep."

Sunshine, Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now