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THE GROWL TOOK Rosie out of it. She had almost forgotten the reason they were there, on the roof of the bus, and instead, she solely focused on the fact Max Mayfield was in front of her, opening up to her. Rosie jumped at the sudden sound, of what she suspected was Dart. On the bright side, their plan had worked! On the downside, they would now have to actually fight this thing. The brunette scrambled to collect her binoculars, while Max looked on in panic.

"Rosie! What's going on?" She heard Dustin yell from below them, and Rosie gathered herself, attempting to find the source of the noise through the binoculars.

Eventually, she saw him, his dark body mostly hiding in the thick, silvery haze of the fog.

"I see him!" She called out to Steve and Dustin, "Ten o'clock! Or... Eleven! No, definitely ten!"

Rosie winced at the low chittering heard from Dart, allowing Max to snatch away the binoculars to see for herself, "Wait. You sure that's not a dog?"

The brunette raised a skeptical eyebrow, "You ever hear a dog that sounds like that?" Max shrugged as if to answer that she had, however, they didn't have time to continue story-swapping.

"Get Lucas up here, for me," Rosie told her, eyes suddenly serious, "If you're hurt up here, I'll never forgive myself."

Max looked like she wanted to argue, but when the two met eyes, the redhead must've seen a look in Rosie's eyes that had never been there before. One so...sure of herself. One so scared. But one so ready to fight. So she just nodded and headed back down, but not before saying, "Don't die Sunshine."

"Wouldn't dream of it, Mayfield."

They shared one last look, one last silent promise that they'd see it other again, then Max climbed back down inside the bus.

Lucas quickly replaced her spot, now with the binoculars, Max must've handed to him, and greeted the Gry girl with a polite nod of the head. That was when they noticed the creaking sound of the sliding door of the bus opening, causing Rosie's eyes to widen in alarm.

Before they knew it, they could see the figure of Steve Harrington, gripping his nail-bat with the sort of determination one could find knights wielding in fairytales. But this wasn't a fairytale, and Steve Harrington was definitely not a knight.

"What is he doing?" Rosie hissed, more to herself than to anybody else.

All she could do was watch helplessly as Steve moved closer and closer to Dart, hearing him say something along the lines of, "Come on! Dinner time! Human tastes better than cat, I promise."

Sunshine, Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now