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EVENTUALLY, the throbbing in her head would go away. At least that's what Rosie kept telling herself as she sat in the back of Steve's car, fighting off a monstrous migraine. Her entire face felt like it was broken, and being held together by some crappy washi tape from a craft store. She vaguely remembered Max wiping blood from her face with a soggy tissue (which felt as gross as it sounds), and Lucas supporting her as she walked to the car. Rosie felt like complete and utter shit, yet somehow she still found herself looking on the bright side of things. She had tackled Billy and had saved Steve from being beaten to death. Sometimes, even Rosie was in awe of her ability to be persistently optimistic.

Rosie leaned her head against the headrest of her seat, staring out the window absentmindedly as she took in the surroundings of her hometown that were bathed in moonlight. She was attempting to tune out Lucas, who was giving instructions to Max as she drove. Max driving would've bothered Rosie a lot more if she had more energy left in her, considering Max was very much so under the legal age of driving, and Steve would definitely be pissed. Rosie was squashed up against Dustin, Mike, and Steve, who was being babied by the former.

"Nancy?" Rosie snapped back to reality when she heard the faint voice of Steve, who had obviously just woken up.

The Harrington boy immediately went up to touch his face, which made the brunette lightly shake her head, "Don't touch it, it'll just make it hurt more."

"It's okay," Dustin shushed him as he groaned, "You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, and Rosie had to come and save you, but you put up a fight. You're okay."

"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai," Lucas instructed the redhead driver, clutching a map in his hands.

"What's going on? Why'd you mean Rosie saved me?" Steve mumbled, his sentence a slur of words as he slowly regained consciousness. His eyes locked on the underage driver, and he was immediately sent into a panic "Oh, my God!"

"It means Rosie was a total badass and tackled Billy, just relax. She's driven before," Dustin attempted to reassure him, however, it didn't seem to do much, and Mike definitely wasn't helping.

"Yeah, in a parking lot."

"That counts," Lucas countered, shrugging.

"Oh, my god!"

"They were gonna leave you behind."

"Oh, my God."

"I promised that you'd be cool, okay—?"

Sunshine, Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now