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ROSIE GRY HAD NEVER BEEN CALLED INTO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE. Of course she hadn't— she had barely been in enough trouble to warrant detention throughout her school career. But as she sat in the middle of her English class, listening to her teacher drone on about the book they were reading— something to do with To Kill A Mockingbird— Rosie almost jumped out of her seat when she heard her name being called over the speaker. Her mind immediately jumped to the worse conclusion, had she been kicked out of the Animal Rights club? Did her dad die in a tragic car accident and this was how they were telling her? Was she being expelled for zoning out in English because of her teacher's incredibly monotone way of speaking?

She looked up from her mindless, boredom-induced doodling on her page, to hear her name being called over the PA system and everyone staring at her. Rosie swallowed, giving her onlookers a small smile as to hide the bubbling anxiety brewing in her stomach, and got up from her seat. The teacher, Ms Harrison, barely paid her a glance as she walked out the door, as she continued with her tediously dull lecture.

On her long walk to the Principal's office, she began to dwell in her worries, continuing her pattern of thinking of the absolute worst possible scenarios as to why she would be called to the Principal's office amid a lesson. As she did so, she couldn't help but revel in the quiet hallways. Whenever she was out in the halls between classes, she could barely hear herself think. The mindless chatter of students would prohibit her from stringing together a cohesive thought— and being in a crowded hallway with boys who didn't know how to use deodorant was less than ideal. But now, she could hear the sound of her sneakers hitting the cold tile beneath her feet, the sound of her heart beating against her chest, and even the soft hum of teachers addressing their class in the classrooms she walked past.

The office lady, a rather vapid and forgetful woman with bright red lipstick and nails gave her a smile, which Rosie happily returned, "Principal Coleman's waiting for you, sweetheart!"

The brunette nodded, pushing down her nerves, "Thanks, Eileen."

Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. To Kill a Mockingbird. Rosie hesitantly knocked on the tall, taunting wooden door to Principal Coleman's office.

"Come in!"

Obliging, Rosie entered.

Principal Coleman was a good enough man. He was respectable, stand up sort of fellow that most people liked, and a genuinely good principal. Rosie liked him enough, but she certainly did not like his office. It was a drab little room, that saddened her spirits and made her stomach lurch. If it were to be described with a colour, it would be grey. Rosie was so fixated on the room, she barely recognised the fact a redhead was sitting down at his desk.

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