The realization

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Never once a day, in my life had passed, without talking to Sky. Never in the name of god had I felt this lonelier. Now this sowed, a seed of one more thought in my mind. Me and Sky, we had been so engrossed with each other all the time, that we never spared a glance at any one around us.
Even if, our Mr. Or Ms. Perfect was sitting next to us, we probably had laughed at them.

May be that was the reason, Sky Never noticed the appreciation in the eyes of Zee for him. It was obvious that she liked him. That was one more reason, why I should not be accepting his heart.

Is this what they call as leading a guy on? Was I rubbing him the wrong way? It has been years to our friendship, never even once the thought of him being my boyfriend had crossed my mind.
He sure was my black knight , always to my rescue, but definitely was not my prince charming in shining Armour. I didn't have an imagination, as to how my prince would be, but sure there were no butterflies and no sparks around Sky.

To me, he was my soul mate, my best friend, and he had a special place in my heart, but not that way.

Friendship is a stronger interpersonal bond, not an association. Its a complicated thing. Friendship can save your life --- like when a good buddy gets you through hard break up. --- or it can drive you absolutely nuts. After all, some friends lie and let you down. And if they are not secretly plotting your demise, they might be harboring romantic feelings, that threatens to destroy the relationship.

And that was exactly what had happened in my case. How was I going to face him again? I knew that eventually we would overcome this awkwardness, but then again, was I being the hindrance that was holding him back from feeling the real love?
Pool of thoughts had started erupting in my head. I had never thought about any thing soo hard. Life was easy to me.

No matter what, one thing was clear, I couldn't be the reason for my best friend's grief.
I cannot even imagine, where I would be today, were it not for the handful of friends, who have given me a heartful of joy.
Lets face it, friends make life a lot more fun.

We call that person who has lost his parents, an orphan.
And a widower, that man who has lost his wife.
But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him?
Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence.

Some times being a friend means, mastering the art of timing. There is a timing for silence. A time to let go, and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny, and a time to pickup the pieces, when its all over.

Now this was my time. This was my cue to let him go, to make him see the world other than me. I had to take this risk. After all, happiness of a friend is all that matters right?

As I thought of it, the realization flashed across my mind. Some thing clicked inside my head.
" Of course this is it...."

I was never so definite about any of my decisions, ( not that I got to make lots of decisions on my own).

This would help Sky, to clear his head, and would allow me to take a first step towards full filling the resolution that I made on my birthday, to make this year different, special and memorable.

But before I could put any of my thoughts in to act, I had to answer Sky. We sure had to face each other at some point of time, and besides he deserved an answer.

I took a sheet of paper, scribbled down something, which was for me to know and him to find out. I kept the paper inside a book that I was holding and placed the book safely inside my book rack.

It was already, 7:00 in the evening. I was so preoccupied with these thoughts, that I hadn't even eaten anything. Food brought from my servant, laid untouched across my bed.

But now that my head was clearer, suddenly waves of energy ran through me. I went downstairs, grabbed a granola bar, drank some juice and moved towards my dad's study.
I knocked the door gently.
" Come in " my dad replied. He had no idea about the things that had happened yesterday.

" Whats up sweet pea, you seem distressed, anything bugging you? Wanna share..?" My dad asked, care evident in his voice.

" Ummm...actually yes pappa, I donno where to start with.." I stumbled through my words.

" Come sit here " he asked gently..

I sat beside him and managed to ask.
"Pappa, do you remember the promise you made me yesterday? About my birthday gift......?"
" It's still intact right? "

My dad laughed at my question,
" Of course kiddo.., Lawrence's never break their promises. Ask me anything that you want. "

" Promise...?"

" You have my word sweet pea" he replied..

Then I put forth my wish, more of a request in front of him, with the most convincing puppy dog face and pleading eyes that I could muster.

My dad looked as though he had seen a ghost. He was dazzled, at what I had asked.

He probably was thinking, what had he gotten himself with that promise.

Then there was, a pin drop silence across the room.........


Yay!! Finally chap 2 is up...( whssh)
Enjoy. Read, vote, comment and follow.
It gives me inspiration. And also checkout my dear friend, himashree0's works. They are pretty good.
Till next update, see you all bbyee.
Keep laughing.
With love ~ ghana

And so, the lion fell in love with the lamb..Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz