Lee:then the hard worker will never surpass him, what's the point of working till i bleed when you have Neji, Sasuke and now you who have talent and hard work what's the point of working hard when i will never measure up against people like you, he'll take the chunnin exams 1 month i was hospitalized and what happened in that month? Sasuke was able to replicate my speed something that took me years and almost killed me to achieve Sasuke got it in 1 month of training I've fallen behind my peers to the point i can't even see them anymore so why bother? Why spend my years training in unending pain when i can just stay where i am now I'm still strong for a chunnin And i can take B rank missions without anyone wondering why i don't take higher

Naruto:so that's it? You gave up on you're ninja way? What happened to proving that you can beat natural talent with hard work?

Lee:"I'm not gonna run away and I never go back on my word, that is my nindo!" Aren't those you're words? Yet Sakura told me how you gave up on Sasuke you gave up on bringing him back breaking the promise you made for her so are you really in any position to judge me ?


Lee: exactly, that wasn't nothing more then a dream a dream i wanted to be real more the anything in the entire world and i was willing to do anything to achieve it hell i did everything i trained until my finger's bleed, i trained day and night, i never once took a day off but in the end a dream is still a dream someone without talent can never beat someone who has it i just accepted that and made the most of what I do have why try anymore then i need to when the best i can do is mediocre when you put it up against people like you I'll ask you to keep this conversation between us i rather not have the same discussion with guy sensei

Naruto:so he knows?

Lee:he's my sensei of course he knows he supports me and all that, but doesn't mean i can't see the glint of disappointment in his eyes every now and then but not like it matters, not like it can compare to the pit of disappointment and dissatisfaction i have to feel every single day....i am a broken man Naruto i will never beat Neji, never beat you, never beat Sasuke and eventually even Tenten will surpass me why? Because they can use chakra and i can't that's just a fact so why dream otherwise, come on let's go back to tazuna's home

*Lee turned around and started to walk away Naruto sighed and walked behind him they didn't say anything until they made it close enough to tazuna's home when they did Naruto saw the change he saw the broken man that is lee put on a fake smile and happy attitude as he ran inside his voice booming as always*

Lee:guy sensei I've come back with Naruto!

*Naruto soon walked in positioning himself next to Shizune to calm himself down"

Guy:amazing lee, Naruto how was the training?

Naruto:not bad had some dummies there for practice

Lee:yosh! He fought off 3 bandits killing two of them

Guy:amazing Naruto but it would seem that this bandits are tougher then they seem giving you're face

Naruto;not really my broken nose is thanks to lee who gave me a dynamic entry thinking i was one of the bandits

*Lee laughed embarrassed while everyone waved it off they started talking about they're plan of attack while in the background Shizune was healing Naruto's face*

Guy:well then that's enough for today let's all go to sleep will wake up at the crack of dawn and face this challenge with the full spirit of youth!!

Lee:guy sensei!!


*While they had they're moments the rest went to they're respected rooms, Neji and Tenten shared one room, Shizune and Naruto shared another lee and guy would ultimately sleep outside as a symbol of they're youth while Kakashi slept in the couch*

To be continued or Patreon


Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy


Jameil fluker




Thanks again for the donations

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