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On the nightstand, Mia's phone suddenly rings on top of a textbook and she grabs it, answering the call without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" She holds the phone in between one ear and shoulder while scribbling in her journal.


She stays on the phone repeating "Hello?" thinking maybe someone dialed her number by accident.

On the other line someone greets her with heavy breathing. She draws the phone from her left ear, staring at the caller ID with a confused look on her face.

Unknown number.

What she doesn't know is the person who's breathing heavily through the phone is standing right outside her bedroom window watching her.

Sighing, she hangs up and sets the phone back down resuming back to her homework.

Her phone rings again. This time she checks to see who's trying to reach her before answering, tucking some hair behind her right ear.

Mia then answers it again when Morgan's contact shows on the display. "Hello?"

"Hello, Mia." Ghost face husky voice answers the phone sending shivers down her spine.

"Morgan is this you? This isn't funny." She sees a shadow sprinting by her window before it disappears around the corner. It startles her at first but then she shrugs it off thinking it must be an animal.

"This isn't Morgan." The stranger's whispers haunts her.

Mia climbs out of bed and walks towards the window. "Then who are you?"

There isn't anyone outside but little does she know the killer is across the street behind a tree watching her peeking through the blinds.

"Don't worry. We'll meet soon." The call ends.

A minute later the sound of the doorbell ringing makes her spin around with a frighten look on her face.

Sliding her phone down in her left back jean pocket she slowly exits the room and trudges downstairs not sure if she should open the door.

Rounding the corner she glances out the living room windows just in case while heading towards the loud knocks at the door. First the strange phone call from her dead best friend and now loud knocking at the door?

Letting out a long breath she unlocks then slowly opens the door, flinching with one hand over her heart.

"Jesus, what took you so long? I've been standing out here for like five minutes waiting for you to open the door." Namjoon, her older brother complains on the porch step holding two big brown grocery bags in both arms.

Holding the door open wearing a white top and a pair of black jeans, Mia apologizes. "Sorry, I was doing homework."

Namjoon sighs, stepping inside the house. "There's two more bags in the back seat. Get them please. I'll start dinner." The surgeon wanders around the corner entering the kitchen and puts the bags down on the island.

Mia rolls her eyes and takes the pathway that leads her to the parked car in the driveway. She looks back over one shoulder frowning when seeing a white van parked across the street.

It wasn't there before.

Can't really see who's inside the vehicle because the windows are tinted and it's really dark outside. Quickly grabbing both bags and shutting the back door with one foot, Mia walks back inside the house.

Her brother is pacing around the kitchen talking with the phone in between his left ear and shoulder as he prepares for dinner.

Well tries to anyway. Mia already knows the meal won't be the most delicious thing she ever tasted but telling her brother that he's a really bad cook would only hurt his feelings.

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