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                                    Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Hyunjin's POV

alarm | 6:30 am

I woke up to my alarm and shut it off, I got up and got ready for the first day back to an American school in 6 years. I went to the kitchen and saw my mother cooking me breakfast, I saw my dog Ggami walking around the living room so I pick him up and kiss him.
"점심식사 잊지마세요 현진아 미국 개학 첫날이라 잘만들었습니다." My mom said.
( Don't forget lunch Hyunjin, it's the first day back to an American school, so I made it well. )
My mom gave me a bag and stood on her tippy toes to kiss my cheek then proceeded to make breakfast for dad. "나는 또한 당신이 좋아하는 간식을 가방에 넣고 가방에있는 모든 것을 먹습니다. 나는 내 아기가 굶는 것을 원하지 않는다" My mom said.
( I also put your favorite snacks in the bag and eat everything in the bag. I don't want my baby to starve. )
"알았어, 엄마 고마워" I replied, and put on my shoes.
( Okay, thank you mom )
I grab my phone, headphones, lunch bag, and backpack and head out the door. I get in my car and toss my bags on the passenger seat, I connect my phone to the car and put on Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey. I sing along as I'm driving, I decided to get a drink to start my morning right so I headed to a cafe near my home. I ordered an iced americano, then looked around the place. It was very nice and aesthetic, I decided to take a quick picture but accidentally bumped into a girl. She dropped her glasses so I got them off the ground "you dropped this" I hand them to her "um sorry...sir" she replied nervously. Sir? Why sir? Do I look old or something? She grabs the glasses and puts them on "It's ok" I reply, I get my iced americano and leave the cafe. She kind of looks like my crush from elementary school?

school | 7:20 am

I arrive at my new school and head into the building, a lot of girls look at me. I go to the front office and get my schedule, then the lady tells me to wait here while she gets a tour guide for me. A couple of minutes later and she comes with a girl that looks very imitating, she looks at me up and down and asks "So like what's your name?" the office lady looks at her annoyed "Attitude much? Walk him around the school please, I wrote you pass that you can give to your 1st period. Now go" she walks out of the door and I follow behind. "So I heard you're an exchange student? Where are you from? Are you from Japan?" She asks rudely "Um, I'm from Korea" I reply, "which one?" She chews her gum loudly while she asks, "Um... South Korea?" I reply uncomfortably. She ignores my answer and starts pointing at classes and areas and saying what they are.

We then ended the tour "here's my number, don't let anybody take you from me. I found you first" she winks and hands me a piece of paper with her number on it but I wrinkle it and toss it over the balcony. The bell rings and I head to my 1st period while walking there I bumped into a girl "oh sorry my bad" I say as I help her off the ground and we both make eye contact I then realize that she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. "Are you ok?" I ask, "yeah, I'm ok" she laughs quietly.

I got a bit nervous "ok well get to class quick" I say and walk away to get to my class. As I'm walking I realize that she's the girl from the cafe, she's very cute. I sit down and write notes, I look around and see that there are a lot of girls sitting next to me and staring at me but I ignore them. Luckily a guy was sitting next to me "hey what's your name?" I ask, "my name is Isaiah what about you?" he asks, "my name is Hyunjin" I reply, "oh cool name, where are you from?" He asks, "South Korea" I reply "oh nice, here's my number and Instagram follow me" I follow him and he looks at my page "YOOO that's crazy how tf did you get that many followers?!" I laugh "I used to be in a K-pop group back in Korea but I left" he's very shocked "that's awesome man" he smiles.
We then talked a bit about our interests.

bell rings | 8:39 am

I say bye to Isaiah and I walk to my next class and sit in the back, I see the cafe girl walk in and sit next to me. "Oh hey, I've seen you a couple of times but never got your name. My name is Hyunjin" she keeps quiet and looks at me in shock for a couple of seconds. "Hyunjin, I'm Y/n" I sit there in shock and all the memories come flashing back, I felt so glad that I came to this school "omg, Y/n?! I thought I would never see you again!" I immediately hug her. "You know when I was in Korea I became an idol? I was in a group named Straykids" I say, "oh that's cool!" She replies. "I came here because I got in a scandal, and knowing that it could happen a lot is just not right. I realized that being an idol just isn't for me. It's not good for my mental health. I didn't like the environment in JYP it was just too stressful and toxic but the members were like family and I do miss them." I say. "That's awful, I'm sorry that happened," she says, "yeah but it's over now" I reply. We then talk about our classes and our interests, and we gave each mother our numbers and Instagrams. She smiles while looking at my page, her smile is beautiful and her voice is calming to hear.

bell rings | 9:47am

We pack our things and head out the door "see you next period" I wave and head to my next class. She was so cute and nice to talk to. I really hope we spend more time together. I think I'm starting to regain those feelings again. I then see Isaiah and tell him about Y/n "Damn, I didn't know you knew her.." he says, "of course I knew her? What's wrong with that?" I reply, "nothing it's not important, anyways let's go to class" he replies. I started to get concerned about him, I walk with him to our class and just ignored what happened.

{ What do you think about Isaiah's response? SORRY IF MY GRAMMAR IS SHIT! Anyways thank you for reading part 4! Btw I do NOT know Korean I google translated it so please forgive me if the translation is wrong! PLEASE VOTE AND SHARE THIS STORY WITH OTHERS! Have a nice day/morning/night }

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