4| Quidditch Madness

Comenzar desde el principio

But she's your twin sister, the angelic side of her reasoned, You shouldn't start fights with your sister! Go and apologise, I'm sure it'll be fine.

NO! she argued back, It's always me who has to apologise- let her do it for once. It's always MY fault that we fought, MY mistake. That's just not fair.

Both of you, SHUT UP! Estella silenced. It's hard enough to concentrate as it is. I'll just...I'll think about it later.

But!- they both echoed at the same time but Estella shut them out and concentrated on the piece of parchment in front of her and began to write.

Dear Mum & Dad,
It's me again, Estella. I'm just writing to update you as we agreed. 
Everything's going well here. I really love it at Hogwarts and learning magic is really fun! Professor McGonagall taught us some simple transfiguration spells yesterday and I think I've mastered them.

I'm really trying my best to learn everything- I've finally memorised the star chart and we've gone into hovering spells in Charms.

Hermione's going really well too. She's earned so many points for Gryffindor and she's learning everything faster than anyone else in our class. I'm still finding the coursework a little hard but I think I'll catch up soon.

How are you at home? You must be careful when doing teeth removal- don't think I forgot about that time dad had to get stitches after a kid bit him. 

I have some homework to do now so I'll end it here. Please stay safe and write me back soon. And yes, I have been taking good care of my guitar and no, I haven't lost anything yet.

Talk to you soon!


P.S. Alora doesn't bite! You're scaring her every time you tie the letter on her leg. She's an owl, not a crocodile. 

P.P.S. Don't forget about the pasta on the stove- we really can't afford to have the water overflow again!

Okay, that's all from me. Signing off for real this time. I'll try and get Hermione to write to you too; I know you like to hear from both of us.

Love you! <3

Estella smiled down at the parchment. It was at times like these when she was writing to her parents that she felt like she was actually back at home. They would be having pasta right now- they always had pasta on a Thursday for dinner.

Her eyes scanned the page for anything she might've forgotten to mention. They paused at the line, 'I'll try and get Hermione to write to you too.' It was unlikely Hermione would even want to speak to her. From what Estella knew, she was giving Harry and Ron the cold shoulder.

She hadn't been able to do this to Estella as she thoroughly ignored her every time she saw her. Although, the action was reciprocated.

Estella rolled up the scroll and packed up her quill and ink pot, placing them gently in her bag after making sure the lid was screwed on tightly(there had been an unfortunate incident when the ink had spilt all over her books in the hallway).

Clutching the scroll in her hands she left the library and headed up towards the owlery to deliver the letter.


On Halloween morning Estella woke to the delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting through the corridors. She was in a good mood, having successfully made her potion yesterday.

Her mood seemed likely to persist as Flitwick announced in Charms that they were all ready to begin making objects fly.

He put the class into pairs to practise. Estella's partner was Lucille who as per usual had her hair in long intricate braids down her back. 

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