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Your eyes start to blur as you cough violently gripping onto your chest as you remain in a crouched position. Blood leaked out of your head as you lean your back against the tree throwing your head back still coughing but not so bad. You close your eyes and let out a sigh of frustration while tears stopped escaping your eyes just the small wet stains on your cheeks. Your face covered in blood, mud and ash.

You finally got the strength to stand up but when you looked around all you could see was smoke. How the hell are you going to be able to find anyone? You fall back to onto the ground and lean back on the tree resting your head on the tree as you stared up at the covered air. Your eyes slowly fluttering closed as you fell into a state of unconsciousness


Your eyes opened slowly and you stretched your back till you heard a satisfied crack. A groan escaped your lips as you yawned standing up. You started walking more into the forest stunbling on branches as you were too tired to be aware of your surroundings. Ash still in the air but it was a lot more clear

"Y/n?" A familiar voice called as your eyes darted around the forest still a bit sleepy.

"Y/n!!!" A loud voice called making you frown. You're not a morning person.

"Y/n!" A younger female voice cried as your eyes widened. You sprinted to the female voice till you saw a small figure looking at you with tears filling her eyes.

"Sakae!" You shout dropping to your knees and pulling her into a hug.

"We're here too." Mi-jin mumbles as you scowl at her.

"Where's Nam-ra, Su-hyeok and On-jo?" You question standing up and holding Sakae's hand. Sakae had her other hand round your leg hugging you.

"Went looking for you and On-jo wanted to go back to find Cheong-san." Dae-su answers as your heart dropped hearing his name again.

"Have you been crying?" Wu-jin questions seeing your wet stained cheeks. You wipe off your face smudging the ash and blinking a few times

"No." You finally answer as Wu-jin looks at you with concern

"Y/N! WHERE WERE YOU ALL NIGHT!?" A loud familiar voice shouted behind you. You turned to be greeted by a tight embrace by Su-hyeok making you let go of Sakae

"I'm fine. I fell asleep leaning against a tree." You reply hugging him back surprisingly

"Fine!? Your heads bleeding." Su-hyeok urges as you shrug pushing him away

"We need to get moving. If we stay here for too long our lungs will be filled with smoke." You speak up as everyone nods. You grab Sakae hand and start walking the group following. Su-hyeok and Wu-jin helping Dae-su as he got injured during the bombing making him unable to walk very well.

Grunts and complains were made by Dae-su and the others as you all continued walking through the intoxicated forest. Twigs snapping under your feet as you kept a tight grip on Sakae. Nam-ra and On-jo came to your side as you walked down a slope in the forest

"The soldiers saw that we were at the school. They left us there without helping us, and then they bombed it. Maybe they actually want us to die." Nam-ra mumbles as you stick your tongue in your cheek

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