We'll fight together

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Cheong-san climbs through the window as you push On-jo back. Your mind running wild on what to do. Help Cheong-san or run with the others.

"Hey! All of you. Come after me! Today I am...the happiest guy in this school! Hey! Hey!" Cheong-san yells attracting zombies.

"Come on, everyone. This is it." Mi-jin says looking through the window

"We have to go." Ha-ri adds on. You pull Nam-ra to her feet and help her walk towards the window

"Can you climb up? Okay. Come down. Hurry." Mi-jin rushes helping On-jo climb back inside the window. You help Sakae climb the window and hold her hand tightly once you climb through

"Hey!" Cheong-san yells from above. All of you were in the building now

"Fuck it." You curse to yourself. You push Sakae into Su-hyeok and sprinted back outside.

"Y/n, get back here!" Wu-jin yells but you start climbing up the wall

"Y/n!" Sakae cries out squirming in Su-hyeok's grasp

"I'll meet you guys soon!" You shout climbing up the building hearing Cheong-san yell. Su-hyeok, Sakae and Wu-jin had to get pulled as they refused to let you go by yourself but Ha-ri and everyone else dragged them away. You make it to the top to see Cheong-san smacking zombies.

"Y/n!? You dumbass what are you doing!?" Cheong-san shouts throwing you a metal bar

"Something I most definitely will regret." You reply smacking zombies and backing away a bit more. Cheong-san grabbed your arm and you both sprinted into a broken elevator jumping to the other side dodging the hole that goes straight down in the centre. All zombies fall down the deep hole smacking onto everything they pass as they so desperately try to reach you both but you both pull your backs to the wall and stay there.

"Come at me now. All of you!" Cheong-san yells and that attracts more zombies. Once they were all gone you both jump back over the hole and Cheong-san lands on all fours as you land on your feet dropping your metal bar and breathing heavily.

"Hey, if you're lucky you could turn to a halfbie." You try bring hope which is odd for you but you saw Cheong-san as a brother.

"I don't think so. You need to leave." Cheong-san demands as his nose starts to bleed. You hear footsteps behind you and you both turn your heads to see the bastard that put Cheong-san in his state. Gwi-nam. Your jaw clenches as he just stares at you dazed

"You know, I thought it was gonna be super fun to kill you and take Y/n away. But not anymore. I'll kill you even if it isn't fun. Your constant running is pissing me off Y/n. I don't mind your squirming or fighting back but when you run from me...it pisses me off. You're mine. Do you understand?" Gwi-nam warns grabbing your throat and pinning you to a wall. His face inches from your own. Your noses touching

"Piss off." You hiss out struggling under his grip.

"Stop acting tough. What do you think? You look cool? Y/n's gonna automatically fall in love with you? Nobody thinks that way and Y/n's not yours. You're just scared because you'll get caught and Y/n will be forever taken away from you for killing the principal. You're still a coward and a loser. I have nothing to fear apart from getting Y/n away from you. I'm not scared of you, either." Cheong-san sighs out as Gwi-nam heads snaps towards him. Your eyes widen seeing a tear fall from Gwi-nam's eyes.

He slams you against the wall harshly making a loud yelp escape your lips as you fall to the floor. Gwi-nam starts approaching Cheong-san but gets sand thrown in his face and a smack to the ribs with a metal pole. Cheong-san stabs the pole through Gwi-nam's chest but unfortunately Gwi-nam manages to throw him to the ground removing the metal pole within his chest.

"Cheong-san!" You shout running over and stopping the metal pole from hitting Cheong-san. Gwi-nam curses and pulls the metal pole back making you fall into him.

"My love, as much as I love having these moments with you. We do not have the time." He whispers into your ear as he grabs your jaw. He licks your neck up to the back of your ear then throws you onto the ground making you roll into a pile of broken bricks, you slamming into them making the air leave your lungs

Cheong-san kicks Gwi-nam in the chest making him fall back on his ass on the ground. Cheong-san tries charging at Gwi-nam but misses and lands beside him. They both stand up and Cheong-san manages to swing at Gwi-nam in the face. Gwi-nam grabs Cheong-san's shoulder throwing him into a mini wall of bricks

You look up to see Gwi-nam get smacked in the head with a brick. Cheong-san tries crawling over towards you but gets tackled by Gwi-nam then punched in the face. Cheong-san lays flat on the ground as Gwi-nam stands up and countlessly kicks Cheong-san in the stomach. He grabs his throat pressing his thumb against Cheong-san's eye

"I'll gouge out your eye." Gwi-nam laughs pressing his thumb into Cheong-san's eye socket making blood squirt out as Cheong-san screams in pain.

"No, stop it you asshole!" You yell pushing yourself off the floor and dashing over to Gwi-nam. You kick Gwi-nam in the head and he happily rolls off of Cheong-san who was crying in pain. You see Gwi-nam lick his thumb as he laughed and smiled at his work

"Y/n, leave!" Cheong-san cries holding his eye

"Not without you, dumbass. Fuck, your eye." You sigh crouching down to Cheong-san. Gwi-nam kicks Cheong-san and then grabs your hair pulling you up to him.

"I think you should taste your friend..." Gwi-nam murmurs to you as he shoves his thumb which was just in Cheong-san's eye socket a moment ago into your mouth. His blood and Gwi-nam's saliva lingered on it. You bite down on his thumb and he immediately pulls it out.

"You sick bastard!" You grunt out kicking your legs at him. He just laughs manically as he licks his thumb which now has your saliva on it making you grimace at the gross action. His head turns towards Cheong-san with a sickly grin

"Run away. I'll let you live if you run...Y/N, LEAVE!" Gwi-nam yells as he grabs your waist pushing towards an open window. You're taken back by the sudden change.

"But Cheong-san!" You cry out as tears you didn't even realise you let out were streaming down your face.

"NOW!" Gwi-nam orders loudly as he pushes you out of the window onto the scaffolding

"Goodbye, sister." Cheong-san mumbles out of breath.

"Goodbye, my love~" Gwi-nam purrs catching your lips as you punch his jaw and climb down the building.

"Goodbye, brother." You sob quietly as you look up at the building only to see Gwi-nam smiling at you sickly. You stick your middle finger up at him and dash into the forest passing an open gate. A loud explosion filled your ears and sent you flying into a tree as smoke consumed your surroundings. Your vision blurred as the air in your lungs left from being smashed into a tree so violently.

Been a while! Wanted to have one more Gwi-nam moment before it was bye bye forever from him.

Word Count: 1328

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