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Cheong-san and you continued to sprint down the hallway, an angered Gwi-nam hot on your trail. Running past an open classroom, you get tackled by a zombie as you push Cheong-san ahead. He kicks it off and pulls you up helping you keep yourself up as you stumble over yourself

"Come here. Come here!" Gwi-nam orders as you and Cheong-san jump down a small set of stairs and run into a library filled with zombies. You mentally curse at yourself for getting into a tight situation. You see a boy with glasses looking at you both with furrowed eyebrows on top of a bookshelf

"Ladies first" Cheong-san urges

"Go" You order coldly and he immediately complies jumping onto the table and running. You jump up but turn back round kicking zombies back to prevent them from getting to Cheong-san while he jumps from table to table. You see Gwi-nam enter and you throw a zombie in his direction but he throws it away from himself and looks up at you a grin slowly appears on his face as his eyes scan over your clothed body

"Nice try, Princess" He teases as you turn to see the boy throw Cheong-san off the bookshelf. You roll your eyes and sprint down jumping onto tables.

"Dumbass, he wasn't bit" You scowl at the boy as you jumped on the same bookshelf. Before he could throw you off as well, Gwi-nam jumps on the boy throwing him into a pile of blood-thirsty zombies

"Come here, darling" He urges as he walks slowly towards you. You fall off the bookshelf not realising you were at the edge. Gwi-nam tries to stop but you fell smashing onto the ground. You grab a book and smash it into a zombies face and then stuff it into another zombies mouth before kicking it away and running to the back of the library throwing yourself onto another bookshelf. The very back in the middle.

"Y/n, fuck." Cheong-san pants out as you nod at him to indicate you're okay. He lets out a sigh of relief as he jumps onto the same bookshelf you're on.

"Gwi-nam" You point out and Cheong-san nods running onto the back corner bookshelf. You follow after him then stop turning on your heel and crouching down to make it impossible for Gwi-nam to jump onto the bookshelf. He was on the bookshelf beside yours and is now also crouching down at each others eye levels

"Cut it out." Cheong-san orders as he stands behind you eyeing down Gwi-nam

"Give me Y/n and the fucking phone." Gwi-nam orders with a psychotic smile while holding out his hand

"You killed the principal. You don't deserve her. You're a murderer." Cheong-san states

"You made me kill him. You shit. You wanted proof I wasn't a coward" Gwi-nam snaps about to jump onto the same bookshelf but his eyes dart to you and immediately stops as he knows you'll push him into the pile of zombies if he makes a wrong move

"Watch yourself" You tease with a cold glare as he bites his cheek

"You're insane." Cheong-san snaps back. Gwi-nam stands up to make himself seem more intimidating and to be honest it sort of worked from how he towered over you and Cheong-san. You also stood up and took a shaky breath before turning to Cheong-san

"Run" You murmur and he instantly nods jumping from bookshelf to bookshelf. Gwi-nam jumps onto your bookshelf and swipes Cheong-san's foot making him slip and fall to the floor. You stop and almost stumble off but Gwi-nam wraps both arms around your waist and pulls you into him

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