New Members

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As soon as Mi-jin got dragged in by Ha-ri and Wu-jin, you and Su-hyeok slammed and held the doors shut as Mi-jin continued to cry and scream at the top of her lungs as her friend was currently being torn apart as a sacrifice right outside the doors

"Glad you're done screaming." You mutter as you lean on the door.

"Y/n L/n, huh?" A girl questioned holding Mi-jin

"Hm?" You hum

"The rumours are true. You really are one heartless bastard" The senior concludes as you snicker

"She isn't heartless." Su-hyeok defends standing in front of you.

"Let's argue later." Joon-yeong speaks up and everyone remains quiet. Su-hyeok goes back to the door. The only sounds that can be heard is the heavy breathing and panting coming from everyone.

"Hey, Cheong-san, i' sorry. I didn't know she was your mum. I'm sorry." Dae-su apologises for the event from earlier. Cheong-san falls to the floor completely broken as On-jo attempts to comfort him.


You eventually slide down the door your eyes fluttering shut. You feel a pair of arms wrap around you and pull you into them. Your breathing becomes even as you eventually fall into a state of oblivion.


You wake up with someone's hands rubbing the bare skin gently on the exposed part of your back. You move your head up to see that you've been on top of Su-hyeok the entire night. Your face heats up as you scramble off him in a hurry.

"Morning, sweetheart." Su-hyeok chuckles as he sits up.

"Morning." You murmur making Su-hyeok laugh. He pulls you into his side and kisses your temple before looking up at Nam-ra and furrowing his brows.

"What is it? Do you see something?" Su-hyeok questions as he puts his blazer back on. You notice Nam-ra wearing the hooded-jacket you gave her. You shrug it off as Su-hyeok wraps an arm around your waist pulling you into him again.

"The smell is stronger." Nam-ra mutters

"My jacket doesn't smell that bad, does it?" You question as Nam-ra lets a small smile appear on her face

"No. Your jacket smells like you...I mean your perfume. So yeah like you...a nice' that's not the smell I meant" Nam-ra stammers as a slight blush crept on her face. She zips up your jacket on her. You look across you to see Dae-su sniffing hisself

"I can't really smell anything." Dae-su mumbles and Nam-ra turns to face everyone

"I think they're all coming this way. The smell is really strong." Nam-ra comments sitting down

"Doesn't matter. We're all trapped in here for good now. And there's no way to get out." Joon-yeong mutters as you stretch your limbs with an exaggerated yawn.

"Please don't say that."'hyo-ryung whispers

"So don't. I think we're done." Joon-yeong admits

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