The First Joke

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The entire group is helping each other create a massive 'SOS' sign with all the spare wooden parts and other things they find on the roof. Everyone asking everyone if its good to be put on the signal. Joon-yeong is looking from above to guid everyone on where to put everything which you found frankly annoying as if a chopper sees a sign no matter how perfect or not they'll come down but you went along with it.

"Come take a look. We did a good job, guys" Dae-su compliments as he stands next to a thinking Joon-yeong. Everyone joins the two and looks at there work. It didn't look half bad considering you made it from scraps. The 'SOS' signal was finally completed. Now time to get saved...

"Yeah, well, there's no way anyone can miss that." Joon-yeong mumbles

"Right." Dae-su says proudly

"We did a good job" Wu-jin mutters next to you

"It's a little crooked though." Ji-min negatively comments. You shut her up by swatting your hand at her while groaning


"What does 'SOS' mean?" Dae-su questions

"It's a distress signal" On-jo answers bluntly as you lean on a wall with your hands in your pockets. Your putting your foot up against the wall and your head is down

"I know that. What does it stand for?" Dae-su questions

"It doesn't stand for anything SOS is just SOS" On-jo states

"That makes no sense" Dae-su mumbles

"That's just how it is. It doesn't mean anything." On-jo snaps

"Then rescue quickly...Speed of save... Save?" Dae-su mumbles

"Why'd you ask if you're not gonna believe me?" On-jo grumbles

"I thought you'd know." Dae-su simply replies

"I do know. Look it up. You'll see i'm right." On-jo says in a threatening tone

"Whatever. How can I look it up? I don't have a phone." Dae-su retaliates as Cheong-san walks in between the two bickering

"What?" Cheong-san questions

"I asked On-jo what SOS means, and she said it doesn't mean anything. Just say you don't know next time." Dae-su complains

"Well, it's true" On-jo states

"It's true." Cheong-san defends On-jo

"Really?" Dae-su questions as you push yourself off the wall and walk up to them with your hands in your pockets

"Mm-hm. She's totally right. Why don't you believe her?" Cheong-san questions

"Because she's wrong." You speak up making everyone turn to you

"Y/n, what does it mean?" Dae-su questions as you lift your head up to look at him.

"SOS is an international code signal of extreme distress, used especially by ships at sea. SOS, is an acronym for 'Save our ships' coined by sailors to signal for help from a vessel in distress. It can also mean 'Save our souls'. Though, On-jo does have sort of a point as SOS can be a backronym as well, meaning the letters don't actually stand for anything." You explain as On-jo only counts the last part ignoring the first part of the explanation

"See!" She points out the last part and you roll your eyes that she didn't bother to think about the first part of what you just said.

"However it has been given a meaning towards it, meaning it does stand for something." You correct her and she curses under her breath glaring at you as Dae-su laughs at her defeat and slings an arm around your shoulder. You look up and glare coldly at Dae-su and he instantly clears his throat and looks away removing his arm. On-jo kicks Cheong-san's knee making him kneel to the floor and groan loudly

"The sun's setting. Let's start a fire." On-jo demands while walking off and away from the 2 that proved her wrong as everyone is looking at Cheong-san who's still groaning in pain from the kick On-jo gave him for snickering at her defeat


Everyone is gathered in a small circle trying to light a fire with a plank of wood as the base and a wooden stick to create friction and make the fire. Su-hyeok held the plank as On-jo rubbed the stick between her hands as fast as she can.

"It's setting" Su-hyeok comments. You and Nam-ra are stood side by side watching them

"I'm done" On-jo gives up and moves out the way

"Already?" Dae-su snickers as Joon-yeong replaces her spot

"Next." Wu-jin mumbles

"Alright. Let's do this." Joon-yeong encourages himself as he starts rubbing the stick between his hands as fast as he can

"You'll get tired. Slow down." Dae-su mumbles

"He won't get enough friction to create a fire if he slows down." You state

"She's right, the fire won't start if he goes slowly." Wu-jin defends your point hitting Dae-su.

"Do it faster. Faster. Faster. I said come on, faster! Rub faster! What is it, cramps?" Dae-su orders making Joon-yeong a bit to overwhelmed as his wrist cramped making him immediately let go of the stick in pain.

"My hands. I can't do it" Joon-yeong mumbles

"I'll do it step back." Dae-su demands as he grabs the stick and rubs it between his hands the slowest possible making you frown

"Hey, should we kill him?" Wu-jin questions tapping your leg. You look down at him and he looks away swiftly. Blush crept along his face

"Are you praying?" Joon-yeong questions

"Stop praying. Try...stop it." Wu-jin grumbles. You roll your eyes and kick Dae-su's shoulder making him fall back and let go. You set yourself down in his place and take hold of the stick

"It's hard. It won't work." Dae-su grumbles

"You got this." Su-hyeok encourages pecking your cheek. You glare at him then turn to the wooden plank again. Wu-jin's jaw ticks

"Come on, Y/n." Wu-jin encourages as Su-hyeok and him glare at each other. Your hand reaches for your pocket and you pick out a lighter setting the wood on fire and throwing it into the pile as everyone looks at you deadpanned

"Magic" You mumble. The first time you've probably made a joke the entire time you've been at there school. Nam-ra giggles as the others glare at your grinning figure.

"Hilarious." Cheong-san grumbles

"Thanks" You murmur while kicking some wood into the flaming pile to make the fire larger

"Wait, you smoke?" Dae-su questions and you shrug

"Nam-ra does too." You admit and Nam-ra glares at you.

"You do it more occasionally." She argues and you shrug in agreement watching the fire as others still looked at you annoyed

Word Count: 1144

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