Nam-ra's abilities

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Su-hyeok smiles lovingly as he sees your smile for the first. Which made his heart skip a beat mainly because he knew he was the cause of the smile that spread across your face.

"You should smile more, suits you." Su-hyeok mumbles as you bite your cheek unable to hold back the smile

"Hm." You hum as you pull your forehead away from his. He frowns at the loss of contact but puts his hand over yours interlocking your fingers. A small red blush crept across your cheeks at his action. He grinned at your flustered state

"So the cold-heart finally melted, huh?" He teased as he leant down to your ear. You cleared your throat and adjusted your hips on the seat again. Su-hyeok's eyes dart down then back up his cheeks a lot more redder than yours at your action.

"Don't praise yourself" You murmur to him as he chuckles leaning his head on your shoulder which he had to slouch a lot more in the chair to do as he is a lot taller than you. All of a sudden Nam-ra stood up and eye'd the red curtains that were closed on the other side of the room.

"You okay?" You question as you look up at her. You remained seated.

"I heard something strange." She mumbles

"Like what?" You question but she ignores your question as she starts walking. You stand up and follow her. You didn't really have a choice considering you tied your own wrist to hers. The group got up and walked a bit closer towards you two. Su-hyeok stayed behind you but kept a small distance.

"What if she's starting to turn?" You hear Hyo-ryung mumble to On-jo. You face turns to your usual cold glare as you snap your head towards her

"What if half-bies don't turn?" Dae-su questions but gets slapped across the face by Hyo-ryung as she was to busy fearing your glare not realising he was that close.

"I hear it." She mumbles

"What?" You question as you turn to her. Your face softens a bit but you keep a strong posture

"What do you hear?" On-jo questions

"I think someone is puking." She answers turning to you

"Gross" You mumble scrunching your face up. She turns back to the window with a neutral expression as you un-scrunch up your face and furrow your eyebrows.

"It stopped." She mumbles

"What stopped?" Su-hyeok questions as you feel his covered chest press up against your back. You elbow him and he grunts moving back a bit

"The sound of puking." You state like it was obvious. Nam-ra nods in confirmation.

"Stop it. You're scaring me." Hyo-ryung mutters as Nam-ra turns to her

"Can't you hear it?" She questions

"I'm not hearing anything. What? What?" Hyo-ryung asks quietly as Nam-ra just stared at her

"Are you scared?" Nam-ra whispers

"Stop that." Hyo-ryung orders quietly

"It's're the one breathing the loudest." Nam-ra states as Hyo-ryung looks at her wide eyes

"Do you hear that?" On-jo whispers to Hyo-ryung and she shakes her head meaning 'no'

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