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"This is your marui pod." I explained to the Sully family as Tsireya and i set their things down for them.
"Please make yourself at home." Tsierya added and I nodded, reassuring them.
"This is nice? Right?" Jake turned to his mate who let her things drop to the floor in annoyance, probably because of earlier events when he spoke for her. Tonowari had told me that was something never to do if you wanted a peaceful life.
Peaceful wife, peaceful life.
He had said, it was his life's motto.
"Thank you." Jake smiled at Tsierya and I.
"You can rest today. Tomorrow, our learning begins." Tsierya clapped her hands as she dived into the water, I went to follow after her when a pair of small hands wrapped around my leg. I looked down to see the smaller child again.
"Tuk!" Her sister gasped and apologised.
"No no, she is no problem." I laughed and bent down.
"What is your name?" She asked me.
"What's yours?" I asked her as I let her take another shell from my hair.
"Tuk, and this is my sister Kiri, and this is my brother Lo'ak, and the oldest is Neteyam." She pointed out her siblings.
I turned my attention back to Lo'ak, who watched me inquisitively, his eyes flickered up to mine and I looked away quickly.
"It is nice to meet all of you." I greeted them all and turned to Tuk.
"You have flown a long way, I will let you rest." I nodded.
"Irayo Laya." Thank you Laya. Neytiri gave a small smile.
"Hahaw nìltsan." Sleep well. I told them and dived into the water after calling for Zia.

I searched the beach for more shells that night, even as it grew darker, I figured that I would give them to Tuk in the morning. I picked up a blue shell and added it to my basket and just as I reached down to grab another one, someone's feet where in my way. I looked up and recognised them to be Aonung.
"Aonung, you startled me." I rested a hand over my chest and he put his hands up.
"I did not mean to." He stopped and then opened his mouth. "But I have something to say."
"Okay." I nodded.
"When we are mated, do not interrupt me or embarrass me like you did earlier." He started.
"I am the leader. You are not." He continued.
"I will call on you when I disagree-" I started but he silenced me by placing a hand to his lips.
"You will be quiet next to me, I do not need the trouble of your voice. I make the decisions. You do not." He explained.
"You have no say over anything I do." He warned me and I frowned.
"Why are you being like this?" I asked him.
"I just want to make sure that we are clear on this." Aonung told me.
I turned away and scoffed, feeling a hand forcefully pull me back to face him.
"Are we clear?"
"Do not touch me." I warned him as I brushed his hand away from me.
"Do not turn away from me." He hissed.
I looked at him in disbelief, when we were younger, he was so much kinder, then- I probably wouldn't have mind mating with him, being one with him, now? It was like a nightmare.
"Where are you going?" He asked me as I began to walk away, I felt his hand pull me back again and I pushed him back forcefully.
"You need to wake up Laya. You are my mate. You will do as I say." He said through gritted teeth and shoved me down onto the sand, the basket of pearls and shells I had collected for Tuk now going everywhere.
He gave me a hiss before walking off, muttering under his breath.
I brushed the sand off of me before trying to pick up the shells, uncovering them from the sand once again.
I saw a pair of feet once again and I sighed.
"Please Aonung , i do not want to argue."
"I'm not Aonung." I looked up to see Lo'ak.
"Lo'ak..." i trailed off.
"Do you let him treat you like that?" He asked me.
"It is none of your business." I warned him as he helped me by placing the shells in the basket.
"I saw what he did. I heard what he said. I think that means it's my business." He explained.
"Well... it is fine. It is just a disagreement."
"You're too beautiful of being treated the way he treats you Laya. I hope you know that."

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