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"Laya!" I peeked outside my marui at the call of my name.
Tsireya was looking around for me, I called for her and as her eyes set on me, I gestured for her to come in.
"Oel ngati kameie." I see you.
"Oel ngati kameie Tsireya." I placed my index finger and middle finger to my forehead before bowing my head to her lightly.
"I wanted to ask if you wanted to make new covers with me for the ceremony tonight?" She asked me as she handed a basket full of pearls and shells, I nodded and sat down, emptying out the contents of the basket.
"Where did you find these?" I asked her.
She looked around her and leant forward.
"Beyond the reef! Rotxo and I went out before the sun had risen." She whispered and I scolded her, hitting her arm.
"You should not go beyond the reef." I warned her.
"There is so much beauty out there!" She whined, and I shook my head, tutting at her.
"And also so much danger out there." I explained as I began to sow the shells through the branches and seaweed so the cover would all come together.
"Beauty is in danger. Danger is in beauty." I shrugged my shoulders at her.
"I know Laya." She sighed.
"All i am saying is be careful." I scolded.
"Yes mother."
I pushed her playfully and we both laughed, we sat like this for a few hours, making covers for the two of us and a few spares for the other Na'vi.
We began to carry it to the centre of the village where Ronal appeared in front of us.
"A new cover?" She asked Tsierya.
"Do you like it mother?"
I watched the two of them as I pondered about my own parents, I had never known who they were, nor did anyone else. I was full Metkayina, but with no traces of my parents.
Tonowari had told me that I was bought to his land by a baby Tulkun, who is now my spirit sister- Irona.
Irona held me up on her side until the morning when Tonwowari and other men went out to hunt, and then I was found. They assumed i was from another clan from another island, and had told me that when I had reached a mature age I could go look for them, but I figured that if they did not want me then, they would not want me now.
"COME ON!" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Tsierya, and into the dance circle. She spun me around and we began to twirl after our hands above us reached forward and we stepped back and fourth, singing along and dancing together.
"He's watching you!" Tsierya whispered as I swayed my hips.
I didn't follow her gaze, I had felt her brother staring at me from the beginning, but even though we were arranged to be mated, I knew I was not the one he wanted. Aonung would ignore me when he did not have to speak with me about important matters, and his parents were convinced that we were the chosen pair, he could never argue with them. It was not my place to argue with them either, not after they had took me in.

After the dance, I went down to the water and splashed my face, Zia, my ilu, joining me and chirping my in ear loudly, nudging my nose as she attempted to copy the singing and dance moves earlier. I laughed and rested my hand against her.
"Laya." I turned around to see Tonowari, behind him stood Aonung.
"Tonowari." I bowed my head and saw him nudge his son.
"I liked your dance." Aonung said with no expression in his voice.
"Thank you."
"And your new cover. You are very talented." He added, the words would have made me happier if I knew it was him saying them, and not his father pressuring him, but it would do. It always did.

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