The Storm of Unquiet

Start from the beginning

Anna quickly stood from her chair, ushering a palace maid towards her. 

"Please take our children to the palace nursery, and stay with them." Anna instructed. 

She passed Rapunzel a glance and her cousin nodded in agreement. 

"Olaf please keep the kids company until we attend to them." Anna added. 

Little Aidan, Amelia, Flynn and Wrenn were promptly whisked away by the maid and other palace staff towards the castle, Olaf followed.

"What are these things?" Asked Elsa. 

The image on the screen had paused in place, leaving a mug shot of a snarling monstrosity. Anna, Rapunzel, Eugene, Kristoff, joined Elsa. All eyes were on the witch.

"They are The Unquiet. A byproduct of an ethereal race known as the Heartless. Neither flesh nor mortal the Unquiet are creatures of the immaterial, denizens of The Realm of Darkness. Each Unquiet is created when a sentient being feels an extreme amount of dissatisfaction or betrayal. They are manifestations of primal rage and for that they are even more vicious than their Heartless cousins, but less coordinated."

"I advise children and audience not yet of age vacate the premises." Anna announced to the crowd. She turned back to the screen, the image paused on a snarling monstrousity "If this is about the end of the world, at their hands. I suspect only high maturity audiences should watch."

And Anna was right.

The next few minutes alone may well rank as the most harrowing vision anyone in the audience has ever witnessed.

In every land in every kingdom the same devastation. Unnatural clouds of utter darkness blotting out the sun. The Unquiet sweeping over the landscapes in their millions. Their claws and teeth destroying everything and everyone not fast enough or unable to escape. The Unquiet did not seek plunder or showed any logical reasons for attacking, merely to scour the Earth of all life.

Rapunzel held Eugene, Arianna and Frederic close. And they wept. They had just watched their kingdom sacked and worst, the Unquiet gave no quarter to their subjects. Rapunzel knew them all, they were her friends and the monsters tore into them.

Cassandra squeezed Varian's hand, the Stabbingtons and Lady Caine watched with disturbed looks.

Group by group the audience cried their dismay. They watched in turns, each of their beloved kingdoms and homelands ravaged by the Unquiet. Their citizens hunted down and slaughtered indiscriminately.

The scene then turned to Arendelle.

"No!" Anna and Elsa cried together. Kristoff placed his arm around Anna while Anna held Elsa's hand tightly. The three of them bracing for what was to come.

The Kingdom of Arendelle was under siege, and for the second time the citizens found themselves forced to evacuate the kingdom. The large crowd scrambled up the hills, behind them, a great battle raged.

The fjords boiled with movements then in droves the Unquiet surged out of the waters to attack the living. Arendellian guards and their Northuldran allies formed a battle line in the streets ready to fight off the invaders.

"LOOSE!" A Captain commanded. 

Hundreds of bolts launched from their crossbows flew across the length of the streets into the onrushing Unquiet. Being creatures of blind rage the Unquiet were not versed in strategy or tactical acumen. They simply rush their foes with tooth and claw, and without self preservation.

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