chapter nineteen

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i didn't like it
that she called for someone other.


si-yeon's point of view

i was making myself ready to go to the festival today. yul asked me out to go with him. even if we were already in a relationship i was still exited. my stomach was filled with butterflies.

every year to the same time there was a summer festival at the market to celebrate that the summer came.

i wore a dark green hanbock and braided the strands in the front of my hair. i looked in the mirror to see if i was ready as i heard a knock. yul was there.

,, you look beautiful today", he greeted me with that. i smiled and responded. ,, only today?", he rolled his eyes playfully at me. ,, let's go", yul spoke and pulled me with him.

the summer breeze was hitting me in my face. the weather was amazing and my view was breathtaking.
i looked right now at yul. he still didn't let go of my hand and was walking a little bit in the front.

i saw how the other people looked at us. i noticed that this was the first time that yul and i went obviously as a pair out together. i had to get used to it.

daeho was known for his gossip and right now yul and i were their main topic. i didn't like it. the many gazes on us made me feel uncomfortable. they judged me and i saw it.

perhaps yul noticed it because he turned around and smiled at me. although his smile gave me comfort i was still uncomfortable. i could already imagine what the others said. they would talk about how yul could take someone like me who wasn't from a nobel family. there were plenty other girl from rich families and he decided he wanted me. that was something they wouldn't understand.

,, hey, it doesn't matter what they think, only my opinion on you matters", he said as he turned around. i nodded, he was right. i never cared so much about the opinions of other but when it was about yul it was different. maybe because he was so important for me and i didn't wanted him to change his opinion of me because of the others.

he stroke slightly my cheek and then started to walk again. i calmed myself and started to enjoy the day.
we went to many places and i laughed really much.
he was the only one who could make me feel this way.

that's a lie.

many cheery blossoms fell today to the ground while yul and i were currently sitting under a tree. i was sure my hair was full with the blossoms but i didn't cared. i leaned at yul's shoulder and enjoyed our time together.

we were talking about many things and were just enjoying the company of each other until i said something that changed his mood slightly but he didn't wanted to make it noticeable.

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