chapter two

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❝ running until there was someone that was worth to stop ❞☾

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running until there was someone that was worth to stop

third point of view

si-yeon and dang-gu made their way to the library while talking about their day. she told him that she saw uk and she found his maid kind of suspicious.
he just laughed because he knew that si-yeon was often concerned unnecessary about them. they reached the library only to find a worried yul.

,, what are you thinking about yul-ah", siyeon asked him as he was surprised to see dang-gu and her suddenly.

,, i just wondered why she had the flute. nothing more", he answered while dang-gu nod and said that he maybe gave it to her and just forget about it.

,, no i know who i gave this", he told him and looked up to see a si-yeon already looking at him.

,, then go ask her", she said, while feeling an odd feeling in her stomach. she wondered because she never saw seo yul with any girl other than her and cha-yeon. but he must be on really good terms with the girl when he even gave her his flute. she didn't like the thought but just ignored it.

,, yes you are right", he said and directly leaving the library.

,, is he really going at this hour? and didn't you want to ask him something", dang-gu asked her.

,, oh i almost forgot, thank you", she said while running after seo yul.

as she saw his back she had a flash back from a memory where she run after him just like right now.


,, seo yul!", si-yeon shouted to caught the attention of the boy in front of her while running.
just as he turned around si-yeon slipped and fell on the ground due to her long dress.

,, are you okay?", the boy quickly asked as he run towards her and checking her ankle.

she winced a little as he touched her ankle due to the pain.
,, it is okay, it doesn't hurt", she said while smiling.

,, why do you have always to lie when it is about your health", he mumbled while looking down at her leg.

she was to stunned to respond. she didn't know that he always knew when she laid. it was embarrassing.

,, it's really nothing", she said softly slapping his hand away from her ankle and was up to stand up.

,, si-yeon", was the only thing seo yul said. but the tone was different. it was like he was ordering her but at the same time begging for her to just stay where she is.

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