chapter twenty

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  the flower stands for the place where two loving people break up forever


si-yeon's point of view

• the countdown of tragedy ended.

the weather today was way too warm for me. summer was definitely not my favourite season.
nevertheless, i enjoyed every moment in this season. i believed that the most beautiful moments were in the summer and spring. perhaps i was wrong.

i was currently walking with yul. it was late at night and instead of training and falling asleep on someone else like i did accidentally two days ago, i was with yul. i was still embarrassed of the thought that san had to carry me.

i wondered why yul was still awake but i enjoyed his presence so i didn't bothered. i was really happy with him being with me, i just hoped that this happiness would last long. i couldn't imagine that i would be that happy with someone else.

yul stopped suddenly and so did i. i looked at him and he smiled at me. his smile shined so warmly. he was really a wonder for me.
don't smile at me, don't lie at me.
,, i have something for you", he said and i pulled my eyebrow up.

he pulled something out of his hanbock. i analysed it and saw that it was a necklace with dark green details. it was really beautiful. i was pretty sure that my eyes already got big.

,, turn around", yul spoke and i did what he said. i felt how his hand touched my neck as he pulled my hair to the side. his touch on my neck gave me goosebumps.

the cold metal of the necklace met my neck and a few seconds later it laid on my neck. i turned around and embraced him. i was really thankful for everything he gave me wether it was feelings or material things.

,, thank you", i whispered while he laid his hand on my head. i hided my face in his neck so he wouldn't see that my eyes teared a bit. i was so happy.

he grabbed my chin softly and forced me with that to look in his eyes and they were truly beautiful.

the eyes of a liar.

,, i love you", he said and gave me the same butterflies that flied always around when he was with me.

it was all way too much for me but i knew what i had to say. it came automatically out of my lips.
,, i love you, too", i answered and felt immediately how his lips connected with mine.

after a few seconds i backed away to breath. he still looked at me as if his gaze was sticked on me.
,, you are really a gift that is meant for me. you will always be the only one for me. i would tell you everything", i said and smiled at him but instead that he smiled back at me, i saw how his smile faded away a bit.

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