Don't You Cry

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I go out to the balcony where Nico was. And he was leaning on the edge thing of the balcony. Looking straight forward.

There's something he hasn't been telling me and I knew he wasn't.

I go up next to him.

"Great day for getting some training in." I start something at least.

"Yeah." Nico agreed. "Should be great I hear."

He wasn't in the happiest mood.

And I just got to the point.

"Hye, uh, Nico." I said. "Is there maybe you haven't been telling me? Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine." Nico told me.

"That doesnt answer..."

"I'm your brother." Nico interrupted me. "Find out anything, you'll always be first to know. You should know that by now."

"Okay..." I said and left. Guess he was going back to his old ways. Pushing everyone away. Of course. Why I hoped he'd stay this way I don't even know. He never seemed like a big brother, an actual big brother to me. Percy did more than him. Ever. I feel like Im the big sister a lot or like he isn't even related. Like were strangers and I want to get rid of that feeling.

But he won't abide.

He still refuses to get close to anyone.

5 years I've only known him. Which is actually a long time for demigods and well you know... I know nothing about his family that he left, ran away from for this place.

I don't feel like I can tell him anything. Everyone thinks I was from WWII and I wasn't. I was born in 1998. But I was trapped in WWII for like a year, when I met Sammy and my mom died and I got stuck there. But I got back. Through hell and Nico had found me.

Frank and everyone knew. But never told Nico. He'd get mad I didn't tell him right away. He knows a lot of others things about me. Sammy, my mom died, he brought me to camp, he knows some hobbies of mine, things I like and dont like, I'm a homophobe, like I can't stand the thought of two people not of opposite sexs kissing. Can't fucking stand people with depression. Percy was the exception, I wasnt around when he was depressed.

That night after Nico was passed out I asked Frank if he knew anything Nico wasn't telling me.

"Maybe, maybe not." Frank told me. "What makes you so worried about it? He's your brother, right?"

"Well yeah." I said. "But there's something he's not telling me. I know there is. Its like were strangers again in my perspective. I just want that feeling gone."

"I think he does, too." Frank told me.

"I at least try talking with him." I explain. "He doesn't tell me stuff. Its a one way thing right now."

"Well from what I understood of what he told me." Frank tells me. "And he told me this yesterday, he feels the same way. He wants that stranger feeling away but he's afraid to talk about it and who he is as a person freely to you. He knows you'll flip out. I don't know why you would. But that's what he thinks."

Well at least I knew that now.


The next say, the first thing I heard.

"Why are you afraid to talk to me about yourself?" Hazel asked me, scaring the hell out of me.

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