As The Stars Fall Down

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Whatever had been inside me was gone. Thank God.

I had to the school where the seven and Nico and even Percy was there.

Nico had a sword to Annabeths throat, who had a dagger out and all the while Percy had a sword out and everyone else in the seven also had weapons.

"Son of Hades." That voice said to Nico. "Been a while."

"That's King of Hell to you." Nico confused me for sure.

King of Hell?

Son of Hades?

Like the myth?

Karyan, Lyza, Jacob, and myself are looking at each other, a little scared, concerned for whatever Percy was doing right now.

It resulted in Annabeth being decapitated and Percy having to leave.

"Why?" Lyza asked him.

"Why are you leaving?" I ask him.

"I already said." Percy told us. "I can't tell you. If I tell you I have to kill you."

"Military stuff." Karyan said. She had a crush on Percy. Or has really. As far as I know. She hated seeing him when he got depressed. Now this. "Right? Top secret FBI."

Percy shakes my head.

"The FBI don't know." Percy told us. "Don't hate me for this. We ready have people dead from what just happened."

"So why are you leaving!?" Jacob asks again.

"I'm leaving to stop that." Percy told him. "To stop those kind of things."

"War can't be stopped." I tell him.

"But they can be won." He told me.

"Isn't there any way you can stay?" Karyan asked. "At all?"

"Nope." Percy answered. "They know I'm alive. If I stay attacks will happen daily. I may not be killed but just about everyone else will be. You guys wanted to know what I did before I came here, and this is it. This is what 6 years of my life was and it was my mistake to leave it behind in the manor that I did. Yes I'll return. I might not be the same person as I am now, it could be a week and it could be 10 years. But I will be back."

"And how do you know that?" I ask him, afraid of actually losing him.

"Because." Percy told me. "I always do."

With that he left.

School went on as if nothing ever happened. And every day we called. Every day we texted.

Every day we got squat.

And of course we missed him. Missed him like hell.

But graduation that year for the people graduating, we were nice enough and decided to show up. My younger brother was one of them. He's 25. Graduating with a Masters.

After we had called and there was no answer. Whatever. It happens every day. We go back to the gymnasium. Forgot a few things and the lights were off. Pitch black. Which was weird. They never turn off the lights in here. And like all the graduates were here.

Somebody turns on the lights and a shit load of people. All the staff, Percy, the Seven (not Annabeth), an old teacher of mine, Mr.Bruner, and just a whole bunch of people.

It was a party for the graduates that the school had agreed we weren't doing on.


Of course the first thing we do is go to Percy.

The Pain I Cause Myself (Percy Jackson)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt