I Still Control How I

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A week later Lyza left, leaving just Karyan, Percy, and myself in the dorm.

That's when the nightmares started.


Karyan and myself walk into the three of ours room and Daniel is tossing back and forth. Nightmare.

Of course Karyan got worried.

I told her not to. Its just a nightmare.

And then I'm told this.

"When you had been depressed." Karyan told me. "Somebody had stopped by to see you."

"Yeah, Nico." I say. And she shakes her head.

"No." She told me. "Her name was Bianca. She told us she died once died before, she wanted to see you to see you and to find her brother. But you had been sleeping. She didn't disturb you. She left and had gotten hit by a car and died."

"And?" I asked her. Asking the point. Yeahz she's died. I never knew she had been alive.

Karyan got upset.

"You know I'm tired of you, Perseus." She snapped me. "Maybe if you'd consider others for once, maybe if you'd move the fuck on she wouldn't have died, maybe you could be saved Annabeth, you could've saved so many people. But you're a cocky, self centered, over exaduarative baby who won't move on. Get over it. You're in college. Somebody died and you couldve saved them from simple as being happy."

And I got pissed. Not knowing Nico was at the window. Neither of us.

"Self centered?" I asked. "I'd die for any of my friends, any of my family in a heart beat. How was I supposed to know she was there? Last I checked, she was dead. Maybe I haven't moved on, but who have you lost? Its not an easy thing to do. You don't choose your feelings and you have the littlest say in them. I try not being cocky or selfish or anything like that. I don't have shit to be cocky about. Maybe I could've saved Annabeth or her or a lot of people. But maybe a lot worse could've been lost. I'm not proud of those moments. But they could've been a lot worse."

"Ugh." Karyan said. "You're such a bitch! I wish you would've just died in that war!"

She walked out, slamming the door and Nico knocked on the window.

"Is it safe to come in?" He asked me.

"Uh... Yeah." I tell him. "Try to be quiet. Daniels sleeping."

Nico nodded his head as he came in.

"What was that all about?" He asked me.

"Don't really know." I answer. "I told her not worry, Daniel was just having a nightmare. Normal demigod thing and she snapped at me."

"That weird..." Nico said.

"Well I'm pretty sure she's drunk when she's underage, so..." I comment. "Its 1AM, why are you here so late?"

He looked down and bit his lip for s mete moment and looked back at me.

"There's something you need to know." Nico tells me.

We both sat down.

"Okay." I say, unsure of what it could possibly be.

"I intended telling you during the war." Nico told me, avoiding eye contact. "The past two really. And it slipped from my mind every time. Either that or it was just a really bad time. Are you intoxicated at all?"

"No..." I told him. "Why?"

Suddenly his lips were on mine.

Then all of a sudden he was gone. He must've shadow traveled away or something.

Had to.


The next day I woke up to fighting. Between Karyan and Percy and.... Bianca?

Well really between Percy and Karyan but Karyan put Bianca in the middle of it.

"You could've saved her-!" Karyan started.

"I didn't show she was alive!" Percy claims. "I was sleeping! What did you expect me to do? I did what I could and you shouldn't have to pull her into the center of this conversation because she didn't do anything. And I know its not Bianca you're mad about. If you're even legitimately mad."



Nico had finally convinced to tell Percy. At this point everyone but like Percy and a very few others knee. Which also meant Hazel.

He was back in twenty minutes.

Whatever, the next day we send and IM out to Percy's place and he was arguing with somebody. I think her name is Karyan and there was another girl there.

Nico saw her and he walked away, outside and Clarisse made a comment.

"She looks familiar..." Clarisse ssjd about this girl. She's 14. "I've seen her somewhere... But not lately I don't think."

Hazel not here, we send Frank out to see if Nico was okay.


Nico seemed to be doing okay for the longest time up until he saw whatever in the IM. Maybe the girl, maybe not. But I'm guessing the girl.

He was just leaning against the balcony. Looking down and kind of to his left maybe, his arms crossed, biting his lip.

Now I know what loss is. I'm not stupid. I've experienced it.

But if I'm right he ran away and hasn't seen his family in years and the one person he had hope of a future with is straight and not a girl were pretty sure.

He ran away.

He can always go back. Not like Leo or Jason or me or Hazel.

"You okay?" I asked the son of Hades, closing the sliding door.

"Yeah." Nico told me. "I'm... Fine. I just couldn't see... That."

"Couldn't see what?" I ask, confused.

"Her." He told me. "My sister."

"You ran away almost ten years ago." I tell Nico. "How would you know its her?"

He looked at me, confused.

"I didn't run away, Frank." He told me and the others were listening. I knew they were. "Even if I had the chance I never would've. I showed up here ten years ago."

"But you don't go home." I say.

"I am home." The son of Hades plain as day told me. "I'm accepted nowhere else."

"What about your home?" I ask. "Don't you ever want to go back to your mom? Your family?"

And he asks this.

"What family?" Nico asked me. "Hazel? Because that's all I got. My mom died when I was a baby, she was an only child and my grandparents were dead. Dad put us in the Lotus and pulled us out 80 years later. Then she died. I don't have a home to go, I don't have a family. I have Hazel. And I don't think I can even be completely honest with her because of my sexuality and who I am as a whole. So yeah, Frank. I want to. But just like the rest of us here today, can't."

I fall silent, walking back in where they actually hadn't been listening.

Five minutes later Hazel shows up and asks where Nico is and we tell her he's on the balcony.

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