Its Been So Long

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It was Christmas in New York. Paul, Tyson, myself were there. If you're asking about Tyson Poseidon was gone on something this year and we agreed to have Tyson stay. He's nice and likes to help around the house.

Of course we expect Percy. He told us he was coming and plus why wouldn't he?

Paul's family shows up. A few of my friends and everyone was thinking Tyson was Percy. Which he wasn't.

We decide to call and there wasn't an answer. Maybe he's on a plane so we wait and we decide to call one of his roommates and they answer.

"He's not coming." She tells us. "You don't know?"

"Know about what?" Paul asked. Everyone curious, it was on speaker

"About Percy." She tells us. "How bad his depression has got."

"Percy doesn't have depression." I told her.

"Yeah he does." Said another guy. "Or at least, according to his records he does and by how he acts he surely does."

"How he acts?" Tyson asked. "What does that mean?"

Poseidon walked in. We invited him, too. If he got done which I guess he did.

"It means he depressed." The guy tells us. And that was of course when Poseidon had to walk in. "Hes actually kind of suicidal but not willing to do it himself."

"Just check the Seven Facebook pages." She tells us. "Its all on there."

They hang up.

Everyone remained silent. They all knew Percy.

He was always happy, positive, he laughed, smiled, all the time.

He's gone for 4 months and now he's suicidal.


Just amazing.


Percy goes to class and all that still. He can't not. He'd get kicked out and he acts fine during school. No problems. If one of us would say what he was doing in dorm, they'd never believe us.

He started going to a therapist. Which didn't help.

Well we figured maybe wed act as his therapist for a day with questions we all had anyway.

"Why were you even on the field at such a young age?" I had asked him, getting his attention.

"Well it's not like it was a choice." Percy told me. "Because of who my dad was I had to. As soon as I was in, there was no way out."

"Oh, Perseus." A creepy voice came out of Daniel's body. And his eyes were suddenly golden. "There was never a way out."

Daniel tries taking a knife to his heart and Percy took out a pen and blocked it.

A pen.

Like... What the...?

"Daniel!" All but Percy yells at him.

Daniel doesn't say anything.

"That's not Daniel." Percy told us as soon as Daniel leaves. "Not anymore. He's gone."

"As in...?"

"Dead." Percy told us. "Probably. He can't control his body anyway."

"What does that mean!?" Karyan asked.

"It means he's possessed, now shut up." Percy told her. "I know who's possessing him and I know how to get rid of him."

"How long will it take?" We ask.

"About 4 years."

"Percy!" I said. "We don't have four years!"

"If you want to ever hear Daniels voice again, oh yes you do." Percy told us, suddenly not depressed. "If I could wait four years, so can you."

Percy picks up the phone and calls that Nico person.

Wait. Never mind. Annabeth.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Well you're nice." Percy commented.

Annabeth falls silent.

"You're..." She started. "Percy?"

"Yeah." Percy agreed. "That's me."

"You..." She had this tint of anger in her voice.

"Get it done." Percy said. We could hear this because we were right by him.

"You son of a-" She started. "You know what. No. Why are you calling?"

"Somebody pulled a Luke." Percy says.

"And I care because...?"

"Well." Percy said "you out of all people will get bitched over and have to fight the upcoming war. Now would you like to argue over something that happened 3 years ago or would you like to survive?"

"What...?" Pipers voice came over. "What does that mean? They pulled a Luke?"

"Nothing." Annabeth told them.

"I'll explain later." Percy answers.

They hang up and we look out the window to the school.

Being raided.

There are still classes going on. Just not for us.

"Shit." Percy said, grabbing the pen, and he jumped out the window when we were on the 10th floor.

"Percy!" We yelled and suddenly he was riding water. No surf board or anything.

We run down to first floor and go after him. He beat us there obviously but...

How he fought.

Like I thought Karyan could fight.

But damn!

We go down and hide, scared of what we should actually do and all of a sudden the Seven and Nico were there, fighting.

They could fight, too.

Anyway, they kill all the monster thing a majigs and then Annabeth has a dagger to Percy's throat.

"Now, Annabeth..." Percy said as he backed up. "You don't want to do that now, do you....?"

Annabeth store at him, dead.

"3 years." She started out, just totally and maxed out pissed. "3 fucking years!"

Then he said something.

"I left for a reason." Was all he said. "It wasn't out of nowhere. I said goodbye the August before, had I not?"

"What's going on here?" The superintendent asked.

"Nothing!" Annabeth snapped and he backed off.

Annabeth nailed Percy against the wall, the dagger against his throat. She was expecting him to fight back, you could tell by how she looked at him she wanted him to fight back.

But he didn't.

"If you're going to kill me, do it." Percy told Annabeth. "But don't try bringing me back at the slightest whisper or yell of trouble. If you kill me, I'm dead and I will stay dead."

She just looked at him for a second and backed off. Like that was just about the last thing she had expected him to ever do.

Then Nico came up and put a dagger to Annabeth's throat.

"Caught ya, you son of a bitch."

The Pain I Cause Myself (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now