Reguardless Of Who You Are

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I saw my parents. They told me they'd be here for this. The Chase family was all here. Tristan McLean. Hell, we got Rosa, Leos aunt to show up. That whole family and they saw and recognized Leo on the stage. The Dares, being Rachel was here. Daniel was recording this. We told him to. He had no idea what this was. Haven't told him the god part yet of his father. He knows. But not fully that's he's s legit god.

Soon the whole world would know.

"Alright." I start off. I'm leader I get to do this. "My name is Perseus Jackson as a good deal of you here know. 6 months ago, a week after Christmas we were attacked and I knoe people had questions. My friends were asking me, the people here behind me were constantly asked. And we didn't answer. We did that on purpose. Because we couldn't. If we told anyone we had to kill them, simple as that. But in the past six months we've been given permission to answer questions about today, what you saw on screen or what you saw six months ago or any questions in general that you're curious you think we can answer. There's like 200 of us. Should be able to."

The first question.

"Who was the women that got decapitated?"

We all look at each other , determining who wants to answer and of course I do.

"Her name was Annabeth Chase." I told them. "She was a helluva fighter and a good friend but at the time she had been possessed. She was the blonde in the videos."

Of course this one came up.

"What did it mean?" Lyza actually asked this. "Son of Hades?"

"Um... Exactly as it sounds." Nico answered. "I'm the son of Hades."

"And Hades is?" Jacob asked.

"A god." I answer. "The gods you learned about in middle school."

"Yeah?" Jacob said.

"They're real." Reyna said. "I'm the daughter of Bellona, we have children of just about everyone that's not maiden I believe. Greek and Roman. A ton of unclaimed at least."

That got their attention.

"And king of hell?"

"I'm the King of Hell." Nico confirmed. "I'm nice, though. Don't worry."

The next one was asked by Karyan.

"So being gods are real and all." Karyan said. "And you guys fight wars young, is there certain ranks or anything? Or like.... Do you guys have certain places you practice? Like a base?"

Me And Reyna question. Reyna answered how Camp Jupiter and I answered Camp Half Blood.

"For most Greeks." I said. "We have a camp, too. In New York, of you've ever heard of the strawberry fields, that's us. Half blood hill. Our camp is called Camp Half Blood, were closer to Olympus. How our camp works you're recruited or we have had people find the camp and turn out being demigods. We don't have a city and most of the time after college you're done with camp. Your training is done, we've helped all we can. Now its your turn to survive on your own. And as of leadership its more handed down for an overall camp. Cabins are voted on with requirements and all. At least that's how its been as long as I can remember. It was handed down to me from the previous leader when he... Left..."

"Yeah. Left." Will said.

Expected this from one of them.

"What does it mean." Daniel asked. "To pull a Luke? You said it one day on the phone."

"Exactly." Clarisse said. "To leave and join the enemy and try to destroy where you came from. Its like fighting for gay rights but then you turn around, leave, and kill gays and attempt to destroy the rights. That's what pulling a Luke is."

"Where'd the name come from?" Nico actually asked that.

Made me answer. I was the first to know.

"We had a demigod." I answered. "Luke Castellan who left for Kronos, he hated the gods and he had reasons behind it but he believed the gods had their time and a new golden was coming. In the end he killed himself to get rid of Kronos, about a year previous he realized what he was doing, wanted out, but it had been too late for him to leave. Son of Hermes, nice guy."

Answered a shit load of questions up until midnight and we were done.

Cleaned up and camp left, parents, everyone went where they were supposed to.


Percy, Jacob, and Karyan were sleeping. Jacob had a few drinks, Karyan isn't old enough to drink and Percy had a glass of water. He was too tired to drink he claimed.

Woke up, 3AM, screaming.


We run the fuck in there.

There was nothing wrong with him aside him looking scared as fuck.

"What the hell happened, dude?" Karyan asked. "I was sleeping."

"Nothing." He answers. "Just nightmares. Six months and you never get used to it. Warning Daniel, you'll get them every night. Its a demigod thing. It sucks. But after a while youre able to at least silently scream. Not contagious, don't worry."

Okay, then.

We go to bed and the next day most of the school was gone. Summer time. In Minnesota. They have nice stuff here in the summer, actually. Their state Fair is awesome. I went last summer. The vasaloppet was amazing. The Spirit Valley Parade in Duluth we all went to last year and that was awesome. Down Grand Avenue. (Yes guys, these are real things. I put them in MN because I live there and I'll know what I'm talking about) The Winter Festivals, all of it is just awesome. I came from a another country. Sweden. I originally moved to Mora. It was a sister city to our Mora and that's when I saw the first Vasaloppet since we could never go to the one in Sweden and then I applied for college and I'm still here.

(If you don't know what Mora, MN is its the sister city of Mora, Sweden and we have the actual Vasaloppet. Its a huge thing here, especially for skiiers)

In all our time here none of us had ever really ventured the city ever.

"I'm from fucking DC." Karyan said. "This place is tiny to DC."

"And New York." Percy said.

"I grew up in Sweden." I told them. "And then I moved to Mora."


Now Daniel has a YouTube Channel.

We decide to do the accent challenge. Swedish vs. Manhattan vs. DC. Don't really hang out as much with Jacob. He went home for the summer.

It was... Interesting.

But I had to go home a week later. I'd still come down and visit. An hour and a half, maybe two hour drive. Whatever.

I'd miss the idiots though.

The Pain I Cause Myself (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now